Hours after the announcement of withdrawal of withholdings headed by Luis Caputo, a governor of Patagonia joined the ads that benefit the field. This is Ignacio Torres, who had already photographed with the Minister of Economy a week ago and now presented a measure in the same tune as the National Government’s initiative.
Torres announced that it will send a project to the provincial legislature to Exempt gross income to the livestock productive sectoras well as Rural real estate tax.
The measure is “in recognition of the climatic difficulties faced last year and in line with the decrease in withholdings of the national government,” added the governor of Chubut, who bleached the fine tuning with the Ministry of Economy and the Rosada Casa in the matter of Benefits to the field sector. He added that it also aligns with a desire for “tax simplification and fiscal relief.”
Although the initiative must be approved by the Legislature, Torres promoted the municipalities to adhere to the exemption of taxes, “since it will benefit those producers who develop their activities within the municipal ejido.”
The justification of the project was also similar to the arguments that Caputo wielded. This “is possible thanks to an efficient administration of the resources, which allowed us .
In the press conference, which also participated by the Minister of Production of Chubut, Laura Mirantes, and authorities of rural entities, Torres anticipated that he will seek the elimination of The “fox rate”.
“An absurd tax that contributed to the province to have a more bureaucratic and regressive fiscal matrix,” the governor described.
The photo of Nacho Torres and Caputo and a Chicana to the Cordoba
The Governor of Chubut had headed a protest against the government of Milei last February. That time, Torres threatened to paralyze the production of Vaca Muerta. It was for the retention of a third of co -participation and a Chubut debt with nation of the times of Massist Governor Mariano Arcioni and Sergio Massa himself in the Ministry of Economy.
“Poor, Nachito, does not see her. He is a poor boy who cannot read a contract. It is very large intellectual precariousness,” Milei replied, in a saga of crosses, accusations and chicanas that had as their scenario political acts, the TV and social networks.
However, the relationship calmed down with the passing of the months. And Torres was one of the 18 governors who attended the delayed May pact in Tucumán.
On January 17, just before Luis Caputo’s trip to Washington with Milei, the Minister of Economy and the Governor of Chubut were photographed by the signing of the Reciprocal Obligations Extinction Regime, which takes about 100 million dollars of provincial debt.
Chubut was the first province to sign an agreement of that type with nation.
In the announcement of decline in retentions to crops and elimination of retentions to regional economies, Caputo had been sandgated: “It would also be good if the demands begin to concentrate more at the province and municipal levels. There is a very clear difference of the effort we are doing at the level of nation and that is being done through provinces and municipalities. ”
Now, the Patagonian province governing Torres joined the tax benefits to the field. And it even served For the Chicana in another province.
“Telephone for Llaryora,” Rodrigo de Loredo wrote in networks. “In Chubut Nacho Torres, he eliminated the rural real estate tax that the governor increased by 200% (well above 117% of 2024 and 8 times more than the projected by 2025). He also eliminated gross income to the field, a tax that Llaryora charges him In 3.7% to agricultural services and supplies, “he added.
“It can be done. A governor did it, What excuse will we now put the tax charitor? “ The radical of Loredo said about the Cordoba Governor Llaryora.