Red zone in the Tyrolean Skiort Fiss: Bans are supposed to contain tourist excesses – trip

Man is a herd animal. Especially in its form of existence as a tourist. This even applies to all the backpackers, although they occur extremely independent and individually, but then all on the same routes and are in the same hostel in the evening, on the recommendation of formerly “Lonely Planet” and today TripAdvisor. And it is especially true for the majority of holidaymakers who are hundreds of thousands of Bibione, Benidorm or Belek every year, who visit all the same sights in Barcelona, ​​Berlin and Budapest.

The difference between the seaside resorts and the metropolises is: In the retorts, the tourists are among themselves, but in the big cities they come across civilians who do not spend their vacation there, but their everyday life. Which is sometimes sensitive when tourist herds do tourist things. Now Fiss, a place in Tyrol, is neither the Dubrovnik of the mountains nor the Amsterdam of the south, even if tourism marketing loves such comparisons. But also here, in the Upper Inn Valley, locals come across the temporary overhaul of vacationers, and that is getting bad for them.

The FISS municipal council therefore has now set up a red zone in the center of the place. Under no circumstances should it be confused with a red light district, rather it is a blocking district, so to speak. It is regulated in two local police regulations, which has been prohibited in this area since then and is punished with a fine of up to 2000 euros in the event of violations of these requirements. The list is quite specific. In this respect, it can be assumed that it is not hypothetical, but have already acted several times.

It is not necessary to use the consumption of alcohol and also carrying open containers that contain alcoholic beverages. In the regulation, the regulation defines even more precisely to “cause disturbing noise” – what is to be understood by this. “Public urination and defecation” as well as the “public vomiting/handed over”. In addition, the “arbitrary parking, moving or adjusting objects such as ski stands, signs, snow rods, as well as comparable objects and things”. And opening channel covers.

You really don’t want to be in Fiss when the après-ski parties romp, and especially not when they are over and-well, what: ski vacationers? Sports runner? Riot carver? -, if these herds of tourists loudly and traces of traces back to their hotels, guest houses and apartments.

What the regulations do not regulate are detailed questions. For example, tourists grind one of theirs who can no longer go to the quarters together in his ski boots, which is not done without an annoying scratch noise, but is caring – does that then fall under the arbitrary shift of objects? And if someone opens a channel lid and dawn into the hole, is the double fine due? Although it would actually be welcomed that if it has to be, you can end up directly in the sewage system. It is not always easy as a tourist.

By Editor

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