Politico: Trump is preparing to sign a decree on the exit of the United States from the UN HRC and a ban on financing UNRWA

According to the Politico publication, US President Donald Trump will soon sign decrees on the exit from the UN Human Rights Council and prohibit the financing of the Palestinian Refugees Assistance Agency (Unrwa).

The publication notes that these decrees of the White House administration restores US policy regarding the listed UN structures, which was carried out in the previous cadence of Donald Trump as president.

The decrees are expected to be signed on Tuesday, February 4, on this day a meeting of Trump is planned with the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu.

At the moment, the United States is not financed by Unrwa. The Biden administration canceled Trump’s decision to terminate financing in 2021, but in December 2023 after the participation of several Unrwa employees in the attack on Israel with Hamas was proved, assistance to the agency was suspended.

The editors of Politico quotes a document received from the White House, which states that the UN Human Rights Council does not fulfill its functions, demonstrates bias in relation to Israel. “In 2018, when, during the first cadence of Trump, the United States left the UN Human Rights Council, more resolutions were adopted by this body against Israel than against Syria, Iran and North Korea combined,” the White House comments said.

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