“A demonstration of disunity is beneficial to dictator Putin.” Reactions to the meeting of Trump and Zelensky

The President of Ukraine a few hours after exchanging remarks on high tones with Donald Trump and Jay Di Wence gave an interview to Fox News. UNIAN quotes it.

Answering the question whether he plans to apologize to Trump, Vladimir Zelensky said he did not feel guilty.

“I respect the president and I respect the American people. I do not think that we did something bad,” he said.

In response to the question, whether he regrets the skirmish with Trump and Wance, the Ukrainian leader admitted that “it was not very.” But at the same time, he emphasized that his relationship with Trump should be higher than the relations of the two presidents, because “this is a matter of relations between our peoples.”

Donald Trump, after a meeting with Zelensky, left the White House and went to his estate Mar-A-Lesa in Florida. He replied to the questions of journalists that the conversation with Zelensky “did not work out.”

Trump also said that he wants “a ceasefire now.” And Zelensky, according to him, “wants to fight, fight, fight.”

US Secretary of State Marco Rubio demanded apologies for skirmish with Trump in the White House from the President of Ukraine. Rubio also noticed that “maybe Zelensky does not want a peace agreement”: “He says he wants, but maybe he does not want.”

The representatives of the US Democratic Party showed the unity of opinions, saying that Trump and Vance attacked Zelensky to help Putin or impress him. The Air Force writes in detail about the reaction of the Democrats.

According to The Wall Street Journal, a meeting that was supposed to be a demonstration of unity has grown into a scandal on camera, and “such a demonstration of disunity risks giving courage to Russian dictator Putin in negotiations of war.”

British Prime Minister Kir Starkmer, after the meeting of Trump and Zelensky, announced his unshakable support for Ukraine.

The Canadian authorities said they support Ukraine and “cannot be confused by the aggressor and the victim of aggression.”

Many European leaders responded in social networks, expressing support to Zelensky.

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk wrote: “Dear Zelensky, dear Ukrainian friends, you are not alone.”

Prime Minister of Spain Pedro Sanchez wrote: “Ukraine, Spain with you.”

German Foreign Minister Annalena Berbok said: “Ukraine is not alone. Germany, together with our European allies, stands with Ukraine – and against Russian aggression. Ukraine can rely on unshakable support for Germany, Europe and other countries.”

Italian Prime Minister George Meloni called for an urgent meeting with the participation of the United States, the EU and their allies to discuss Ukraine, saying that disagreements in the West are beneficial only to his opponents.

The leaders of the Netherlands, the Czech Republic and the Baltic countries also spoke out in support of Ukraine.

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, accused Zelensky “of ingratitude not only to the West, but also to their ancestors who fought against Nazism.”

By Editor

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