The woman and two children of the former president of Pescanova de Blanqueo de Capitals and Crime against the Public Treasury were acquitted

They were accused of hiding 2.6 million euros in Andorra accounts

Manuel Fernández Sousa sits on the bench of the National Court


  • Fernández de Sousa.

    The former president of Pescanova asks the National Court to annul the trial

The Criminal Chamber of the National Court has acquitted the woman and two children of former president of Pescanova Manuel Fernández Sousa of the crimes of Lighting of capital y Against the Public Treasury of those who were accused of hiding 2.6 million euros in Andorra accounts.

In this separate piece of the so -called ‘Pescanova Case’ the prosecution requested a conviction of Three years in jail for the crime of money laundering for the defendants María del Rosario Andrade Drell, PJ and Ignacio José Fernández Andrade. Alternatively, the Public Ministry also requested three years in prison for them for crime against the Public Treasury. For this last crime the State Advocacy requested four years in jail for Andrade and three for their children.

The proven facts of the judgment consider accredited that the three defendants opened currents in the Andorran Andbank banking entity that were not declared before the Treasury in accordance with the provisions of the regulations for model 720 of the declaration of goods abroad.

These funds reached a total of 2,671,450 euros, of which 2,521 were paid by cash and the remaining 150,000 were transfront from the internal account of a Panamanian company.

The accounts, the resolution continues, “They remained hidden to the hacienda public and Spanish jurisdiction until the Andorra authorities communicated their existence to the Central Court of Instruction 5 “in response to a Rogatory Commission.

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