High representative accuses Moscow indirectly unrest foundation

The high representative for Bosnia-Herzegovina, Christian Schmidt,Russia indirectly accuses of wanting to donate unrest in the crisis -shaken Balkan region. The question arises as to who could be interested in an escalation, the German diplomat said in view of the latest tensions about the news magazine “Profile” (online). It gives it in importance that the President of the Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik,plan should fly to Moscow on Wednesday.

He is currently not afraid of violent escalation through the split tendencies of the Serbian entity (Republika Srpska) forced by Dodik forced, but one “Legal escalation”, So Schmidt. “We are in a real state crisis. Milorad Dodik wants a completely new constitution of the Republika Srpska. This is a long -handed preparation of independence and possibly also other scenarios that exist in the region.”

He believes that many people in the Republika Srpska Dodik do not necessarily support, Schmidt explained in the online edition of the “profile”. However, there is a certain dependency on employment relationships in the inflated public service.

Dodik was the federal court at the end of February Disregarding decisions of the high representative In the first instance – and therefore not yet legally binding – sentenced to one year in prison and a six -year ban on office. The judgment triggered waves of outrage in the smaller Bosnian entity, but also with the traditional alliance partners of Dodiks.

The Bosnian public prosecutor ordered on Wednesday that Dodik demonstrated by the police must be. According to the media, the prosecutors want to agree on “attacks on the constitutional regulations”. This should further tighten the already tense situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

The boss of the republica Srpska Governing party SNSD has been pursuing a separatist, Serbian nationalist course for years. The Parliament of the Republika Srpska passed a law that prohibited the overall -state judicial organs. Dodik had confirmed the controversial laws by his signature on March 5. They were already valid. However, the Constitutional Court of Bosnia-Herzegovinas again overridden them as unconstitutional.

The Parliament of the Republika Srpska wanted to vote on the creation of its own regional court and its own regional public prosecutor on Wednesday.

Does Dodik wants to use Moscow trip to flee?

In the “Online Profile”, Schmidt said that Dodik could use his rumored Moscow trip to flee: “Interesting question. We have taken note of that there is an EU member state who has obviously already thought of accuracy.” The high representative thus alluded to Hungarian special units that were recently in the Republika Srpska.

Hungary Prime Minister Viktor Orban is a supporter of Dodiks, both become a good relationship with Russia’s president Wladimir Putin said. “I don’t know whether Mr. Dodik plans to go somewhere. I would say: I wish him a good trip,” said Schmidt. “Nobody has an interest that escalates the matter. There should be no winners and defeated.”

Bosnia-Herzegovina was divided into the Republica Srpska and the Croatian Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1995 with more than 100,000 deaths in accordance with the Dayton peace agreement into the Republic Serbs, which was predominantly inhabited by Bosnian Serbs. The two semi -autonomous parts of the country are connected by a weak central government.

Influenced high representative

The influential office of a high representative of the UN as a guardian is also committed to the peace treaty in the Dayton Agreement. Among other things, the high representative may issue laws. His mandate gives him the so -called Peace implementation council (Peace implementation Council/Pic). Schmidt has been doing this office since August 1, 2021. Before that, two Austrian diplomats had also held the office: Wolfgang Petritsch (1999 to 2002) and Valentin Inzko (2009 bis 2021).

Bosnia-Herzegovina has not yet been a well-functioning state despite repeated reform efforts by the international community. Since December 2022, the country has had the status of an EU candidate. However, this did not contribute to its functionality. Not only are the memories of severe war crimes, but also the rivalries among the leading politicians of the three ethnic groups. Because of the increased tensions, the EU peace mission in Bosnia was increased at short notice. The Eufor Althea mission also includes around 700 Bundesheers soldiers from Austria.

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