The PSOE will ask the government on Tuesday to disseminate the work of the writer Luisa Carnés and create an award with her name

The PSOE will defend this Tuesday in the Culture Commission of Congress a non -law proposition for which the Government urges to collaborate with institutions such as the Cervantes Institute in the dissemination of the work of the writer and journalist of the generation of the 27th Luisa Carnés and that to make it known, among other things, an award with its name, which serves to distinguish the work of women journalists and new writers.

This is stated by the Socialists in an initiative on the occasion of the celebration this year of the 60th anniversary of the death in Mexico of the author of ‘Tea Rooms. Workers’ women.

Carnés was born in 1905 in the Madrid neighborhood of Las Letras, very close to Congress, but after the civil war he exiled to Mexico and fell into oblivion. But his figure began to recover a few years ago with the publication of his works.

In its initiative, collected by Europa Press, the PSOE points out that Carnés “represents more than an exception” within the literary group of the generation of 27, “an area in which men predominate”, then, “in addition to reflecting the Spanish reality of its time through its narrative, she was a tireless defender of women’s rights.”

Class, machismo and double day

Thus, he remarks that ‘Tea Rooms’, published in 1934, reflects the situation of working women, especially young women, emphasizing class differences, sexist discrimination and the double burden of tasks that support in their working and domestic life.

“Carnés knew perfectly the world he wrote, because she herself worked as a waitress and a shop assistant in a place similar to that described in the novel. The fight for female emancipation is another of the keys to this work, as was also the life of the card itself,” explains the PSOE.

They also discourage their facet as a journalist from the late 20s to the Civil War and later in their Mexican exile. “The set of Luisa Carnés’ work offers an accurate vision of life in Spain and Mexico during the first half of the twentieth century,” emphasizes the socialists.

An “indisputable” reference

Therefore, they consider “essential to continue recovering their memory, their writings, their novels, stories and articles to make them known, but also to recognize the figure of an outstanding author who has spent too much forgotten”, despite being “an indisputable reference in the field of literature.”

From this premise, the PSOE states that the Culture Commission of Congress urges the Government to recognize Carnes “as a referential writer in the Spanish literature of the twentieth century” and that he collaborates with administrations and entities in the dissemination of his work.

To do this, it is committed to collaboration with the Cervantes Institute and the Book Fairs in which Spain participates and for the creation of an award or distinction that bears his name and serves to recognize the work of women journalists and novel writers.

By Editor

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