Does obesity cause erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is a condition of decreased sexual desire in men. This condition appears along with other problems related to sexual life such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, poor sperm quality, decreased sexual desire… Erectile dysfunction can appear in all men, the rate of people suffering from this disease also increases with age.

In fact, thin or fat people are at risk of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. However, obese, overweight men with high body fat levels often affect testosterone levels, increasing the risk of decreased libido and erectile dysfunction. If you are too thin, your body is unhealthy, lacking nutrients, your physical strength is too weak, and you do not have enough strength to ensure frequency and needs.

Obesity is the cause of many diseases. Photo: Thuy Minh

Therefore, men need to maintain a reasonable weight, not to gain weight uncontrollably, which is harmful to health and affects psychology. Men should not abuse stimulants such as alcohol or coffee, which cause testosterone levels to decrease sharply.

Limit eating animal organs or overly salty foods. Supplement your body with adequate nutrients. Ensure your diet is rich in protein, vitamins and minerals so that your body can produce the necessary materials and energy. Do not have sex immediately after tiring workouts, as it will affect the mental and physical health of both partners.

Be careful when using stimulants (doping) to increase muscle mass and strength. Prolonged use of doping substances severely disrupts the male endocrine axis, reducing both the size and function of the testicles, reducing libido, causing erectile dysfunction and leading to infertility.

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