More than a hundred Ile-de-France farmers came to express their anger in the capital early this Thursday morning against the free trade agreement between the EU and Mercosur. They found themselves in front of Inrae, the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment, erecting a concrete block wall in front of the building in the 7th arrondissement of Paris.
A “punch” operation claimed by the FRSEA, Regional Federation of Agricultural Operators’ Unions of Île-de-France, the first agricultural union in the region.
In theory, “institutes like INRAE can give us the means to fulfill our role as producers”, but “this is no longer the case. For years, it is degrowth that has been organized,” launched Pascal Verrièle, deputy secretary of the FDSEA Seine-et-Marne, with a loudspeaker. “We finance a national institute at one billion euros per year which only brings us constraints,” added Donatien Moyson, co-president of the JA IDF Ouest.