Current and future situation of young people in Italy, the report on who is part of Generation Z

How do young Italians aged between 18 and 24 see work? They consider it a source of income, they believe that combining study with practical experience is the best way to obtain a satisfying job, they prefer a salary with a fixed base and a variable component linked to the results achieved, they attach more value to working hours flexibility and availability of free time, they think there are more opportunities abroad to obtain a higher salary. The data is collected in the Report “FragilItalia – The young generation Z and work”elaborated by Area Studi Legacoop and Ipsos.

The scale of values

The analysis outlines a young people’s approach to work defined by value motivations and pragmatic evaluations. On the scale of values ​​that Italians consider most important, Generation Z ranks first for the family (60%, compared to a national average of 78%), followed by friendship (54%, national average 59%) and love (50%, national average 63%).

Work occupies sixth position with 38% (compared to the national average of 49%), preceded by entertainment (46%) and culture (44%). With regard to the sense of work, for almost 6 out of 10 young people (58%) it represents a source of income (percentage lower than the national average, 71%), for half an opportunity for growth (43% the national average) and for 45% a way to assert their independence.

The requirements for a satisfactory job

The data relating to the importance of the factors which can allow one to obtain a satisfactory job should be underlined. Half of the interviewees (48%) indicate the opportunity to combine study with work experience (3 points more than the national average), 34% the need to gain a lot of experience in the field, while only 19% (average nationally 23%) indicates adequate school preparation.

Se economic treatment takes first place both for young people (44%) and for the total sample (43%), for generation Z in second place comes the availability of free time and flexibility of working hours (33% against 28% of the total sample) , followed by autonomy (31% against 41%). Only in fourth place is job stability, indicated by 25% of young people, against 42% of all respondents.

The salary

As for salary, 4 out of 10 young people prefer a salary with a fixed base and a variable component linked to the results achieved (against 26% of the national average), while 28% express a preference for a fixed salary (40% the national average ).

“The world of work is changing before our eyes -says Simone Gamberini, president of Legacoop- and obviously not from today. But after the Pandemic we are observing the results of this generalized transformation and long-term, and some new phenomena. The lack of manpower, which has even been an aggravating factor in the slowdown in growth and threatens to continue”.

Gamberini underlines: “These changes must be observed as they occur, they must be interpreted starting from the point of view, from the expectations, hopes and behaviors of the youngest, who are entering the world of work: because not only places, times and modalities change of work, but its very meaning. Faced with the great changes of these years we are all looking for a new, more humane and better way of life. Work is the litmus test of all this. Policies and new regulatory structures are needed to support this change but guarantee security, stability and well-being for people and communities”.

Away from home or abroad

Working away from home doesn’t scare young people. 76% expressed their willingness to accept a job offer in other provinces of their region, 73% in another region of central Italy, 70% in another region in the north, 69% in another country European, 54% in another region of the South.

Finally, with regard to the reasons that lead to looking for a job abroad, 53% indicate the highest salaries, 29% the best career opportunities, 26% the greatest valorisation of skills and experience, and 23% the fact that in Italy only internship contracts are offered and that the recommendation system is in force.

By Editor

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