President of the European Council: “No more pennies for Russia, gas and oil sanctions must start immediately”

President of the European Council Charles Michel says he is shocked by the mass grave found in Bucha, Ukraine.

According to Michelin, the EU is currently helping Ukraine and NGOs gather evidence to bring Russia to justice under international law.

“New sanctions and new aid to Ukraine are also coming,” he writes on Twitter.

The mayor of Kiev Vitali Klitshko sent a strong message on Sunday to the EU, and in particular to Germany, which opposes energy sanctions.

“For the whole world, and especially for Germany, there can be only one consequence of this genocide: no more cents of money for Russia. It is a blood money used to slaughter people. Gas and oil sanctions must begin immediately, ”he says in an interview with German Bild.

Also the Deputy Prime Minister of Poland Jaroslaw Kaczynski has criticized Germany in harsh terms.

“I am not happy with Germany’s role in Europe. Germany has not wanted to see what has happened in Russia in recent years and we are seeing the results of this today, ”he said, according to Deutsche Welle.

Germany has so far opposed an EU-wide ban on Russian energy imports. Chancellor Olaf Scholz has so far emphasized the importance of Russian gas and warned of the serious consequences of gas supply disruptions. According to Scholz, that would be the last straw that would plunge first Germany and then the whole of Europe into a deep recession.

However, Scholz’s position saw a turnaround this week.

By Editor

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