The “Perpi-Rungis” new produce train will continue, promises the government, the CGT no longer believes in it

“The early produce train remains more than ever a priority and the State will once again call for expressions of interest to guarantee the relaunch of a rail service after the work period” at the Rungis market (Val-de-Marne) . The announcement was made this Wednesday evening by the Minister of Transport, Patrice Vergriete, after our requests, following serious concerns from staff about the future of the line.

This early morning train is a rail freight line which transports fruits and vegetables mainly from the south of France, Spain and Morocco, from Perpignan (Pyrénées-Orientales) to the Rungis MIN. It helps avoid around 80 trucks on the roads and 44 tonnes of CO2 every day. It runs from mid-October to the end of June, where it takes a summer break during the so-called off-peak period.

By Editor

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