Prices of personal care items and medicines rose

Relieving headaches, muscle pain, arthritic pain and other ailments, as well as looking good or treating yourself to a dessert, has once again hit consumers’ pockets.

In the first 15 days of the month, general inflation rose to 4.63 percent annually. Not only the sauces or the pico de gallo are expensive for Mexicans, since the tomato is 35.96 percent more expensive than 12 months ago, or the onion is 99.45, as well as the serrano chili, 25.45.

Also the prices of pain relievers, flu medications, diabetic medications and contraceptives increased again.

According to data from the national consumer price index calculated by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography, inflation in painkillers rose from 6.76 percent annually in the second half of March, to 8.11 in the first half of April compared to the same period of 2023.

The annual inflation of flu medicines went from 5.62 percent to 7.56 in the same period, while medications to control diabetes went from 7.61 to 10.04 per year. Contraceptives and hormonal rose 6.94. All of these products were above the national general inflation measurement.

Of the total health spending, 49 percent is what people have to make in an emergency. We are one of the OECD countries with the highest spending in this regard; The average of the members is close to 20 percent.

Treat yourself to more pesos

But if we are more concerned about beauty, looking good also costs more than a year ago.

Personal care services were impacted by an annual inflation of 9.98 percent in the first half of April. According to Inegi, having a good haircut is 11.01 more expensive than 12 months ago; In the second half of March its annual inflation was 10.04. Hair products were affected by 11.58 percentage points, after two fortnights it was 8.67.

Smelling pretty will cost more, since deodorants increased 7.26 percent, while lotions and perfumes increased 5.15.

With the fact that 93 percent of Mexican families get together to celebrate May 10, according to data from Cricut – a technology platform company – a common gift is personal care products, since mothers love to pamper themselves. and take care of your skin with soaps and creams, which could now be more expensive.

By Editor

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