Sturtevant. US President Joe Biden on Wednesday announced Microsoft’s plans to build a $3.3 billion data center in southeastern Wisconsin, which will create thousands of jobs in one of the most contested states in the election. presidential.

The facility will be built where Biden’s predecessor and presidential rival Donald Trump announced a $10 billion investment from Taiwanese electronics maker Foxconn in 2017, which the company later slashed to $672 million.

I’m here to talk about a great American revival story.Biden said before about 200 people on the campus of Gateway Technical College in Sturtevant, a region hit by the decline of the manufacturing industry and the failed Foxconn project.

The president highlighted that Microsoft’s investment It will be transformative, not only here, but throughout the world. My predecessor made promises that he broke, but in my term we make promises and we keep them.

Microsoft President Brad Smith said the company plans to invest $3.3 billion through the end of 2026 and use artificial intelligence to help manufacturers and workers.

The White House estimated that the project will generate 2,300 temporary jobs and 2,000 permanent jobs.

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