Tel Aviv and Jerusalem increase parking costs

The Tel Aviv Municipal Council approved on Tuesday, May 22, a reduction of the municipal budget by half a billion shekels.

Among the measures to achieve this goal, it was decided to increase the average cost of an hour of parking in municipal parking lots from 16 to 20 shekels, and daily rates from 24 to 30 shekels. The new tariffs will come into force on July 1.

Price increases were also approved for summer camps, clubs, after-school groups, municipal swimming pools and fitness centers, and centers for the elderly.

Jerusalem City Hall also intends to increase parking rates in the near future from 6.7 shekels per hour to 12.4 shekels per hour. At the moment we are talking about an increase in prices for guests of the capital. Residents of the city will continue to pay 6.4 shekels per hour of parking, while also having an hour of free parking per day.

By Editor

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