4 tips for air heat pump users – This is how you make sure that the device is ready for the heat

Summer and heat are just around the corner, but does the air source heat pump work?

Technical wholesale I’m lucky product manager Karri Valkonen gives tips on how to maintain the air source heat pump ready for the summer heat.

According to Onninen, who imports them, the air heat pump is the most common cooling device in Finnish homes.

Expert tips:

1. Remember regular cleaning: Is there any debris, does the condensate hose work?

The filters of the indoor unit of the air heat pump should be vacuumed clean of dust approximately every two weeks, but at least once a month.

The outdoor unit should also be cleaned regularly. Make sure there is no debris or other visible dirt stuck to the unit. The cooling capacity of an uncleaned device decreases, which also affects its energy efficiency.

The hose is not blocked if water drops start to drip from the end of the condensate hose coming to the outdoor unit during cooling operation. Check that the water also drains from the possible condensate tray.

“Of course, it is important to test whether your pump cools as it should. You can do this with your own hands: Does the air coming from the pump feel really cold, not lukewarm. Lumpy air can be a sign that the machine is reaching the end of its useful life or that there is something wrong with it. Warm air can also be a sign of a lack of refrigerant,” Valkonen says in the announcement.

2. Call the professionals there if necessary

The air source heat pump is recommended to be serviced every 2–3 years. Check the model-specific maintenance interval and the manufacturer’s recommendations.

“Also in the event that there is visible dirt or impurities in the cell behind the filter of the indoor unit, it is worth calling professionals to perform a more thorough cleaning of the pump,” advises Valkonen.

3. Wonder how old your pump is?

The expected service life of an air source heat pump is approximately 10–15 years. If the air heating pump is older than this and no longer seems to be working properly, it may be time to consider getting a new, more energy-efficient pump.

“You should think about getting a new pump, especially if the pump has already had several spare parts replaced and it still doesn’t work the way it used to,” says Valkonen.

4. Get a sufficiently efficient device and think about how else you can influence the temperature in your home

If it’s time to get a new air source heat pump, it’s worth taking some time to choose it.

“When the power of the air heat pump is correctly defined, the room can be kept at the desired temperature so that the device does not run all the time. In standby mode and at partial power, the pump consumes very little electricity,” says Valkonen.

It is not necessarily possible to install an air source heat pump in an apartment building. Then, according to Valkonen, a portable cooling device with a discharge hose is a good solution.

When cooling the home, to ensure its energy efficiency, it is recommended to switch off other unnecessary devices in the home. Left-over radiators and heat-producing electrical devices raise the temperature of the home.

You should protect your home from the heat with curtains and blinds. The ventilation should be scheduled in the morning, late evening or at night. Ventilating too hard on a hot day may raise the temperature in the home.

By Editor

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