Big-name politicians competing for seats in Finland's parliament |  Trade magazine

On June 9, Finns will elect 15 members to the European Parliament.

If polls are to be believed, voter turnout is up from the last election. In the 2019 EU elections in Finland, 42.7 percent of eligible voters went to the ballot box.

Spring Eurobarometer survey by almost 80 percent of Finns would probably vote in the elections, which is almost 20 percentage points more than at the time of the previous elections.

In the 2019 elections, climate change was a big theme, which was reflected in the popularity of the Greens. Now the number one topic for Finns is defense and security.

Up until the beginning of May support survey in the light, the coalition is becoming the largest group and it would be getting four seats. Henna Virkkunen and Sirpa Pietikäinen are likely passers as sitting MPs.

Virkkus will be the next commissioner, so there would still be three seats up for grabs. The members of parliament are the ones who stand out Pekka Toveri, Ville Kaunisto, Susanne Päivärinta mixed Aura Salla.

SDP would be getting three seats, of which the most likely pass is the sitting MP Eero Heinäluoma. Based on the parliamentary elections, the most popular are MPs by Maria Guzena and to the third place Ville Merinen, Pinja Perholehto this Suna Kymäläinen.

The weakened support of the Greens predicts the loss of one seat. Of those eligible, the sitting meppi Ville Niinistö gets through, and the second place is won by a bunch of the party’s most prominent representatives, i.e. the former chairman Maria Ohisalo and MPs Atte Harjanne, Inca Hops and Krista Mikkonen.

According to polls, two seats would also go to basic Finns, the center and the left-wing coalition.

The most difficult candidate names for the basic Finns are MPs Sebastian Tynkkynen, City Tavio and Mauri Peltokangas. Also a sitting chair Pirkko Ruohonen-Lerner is nominated. The sitting meppi Teuvo Hakkarainen is applying for an extension, but the Basic Finns did not qualify him for their list.

There are big-name candidates in the center, such as the sitting MP Elsi Katainen and former chairman Katri Kulmuni and MPs Petri Honkonen and Mika Lintilä.

The chairman of the Left Alliance Li Andersson’s in addition, there are those vying for the position who have already worked as meppi Merja Kyllönen and MP Jussi Saramo.

According to the polls, RKP is losing its seat. Without a place, the Christian Democrats and Liike Nyt would also be left out.

In the past years, Brussels was a refuge for politicians, where domestic scumbags retreated to hide. In recent years, experienced politicians, presidents and ministers have entered the lists. EU tasks appear as interesting career transitions and places of influence. The parties also want to use their EU power and slackers are not looked upon favorably, as Hakkarainen’s shelving shows.

The quality is visible: According to a report by the research company EU Matrix, Finnish MEPs have been doing well this term influential. Finland’s advantage is that quality will continue to come to the European Parliament.

Kauppalehti tests the top candidates in the financial exam on Wednesday from 17:00 to 18:30. Welcome to the lines!

By Editor

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