The PSOE wants the zarzuela to turn throughout Spain to attract young people

The Socialist Parliamentary Group will defend this Tuesday, March 18, in the Culture Commission of Congress a non -law proposition (NLP), for which it proposes to encourage and expand knowledge about zarzuela among young people, through the Zarza project.

In the text of the NLP, to which Europa Press has had access, the PSOE urges the Executive, to promote a study that evaluates economic viability and collaboration models with local entities and public administrations so that the Zarza project, created by the Teatro de la Zarzuela, can tour the Spanish territory.

“The desirable would be that the assemblies prepared by the Zarza project for their representation at the Teatro de la Zarzuela contemplated the turn through other Spanish theaters and contribute, in this way, to extend the project throughout the territory, thus allowing a broader audience to enjoy the live representations and get closer more easily to this genre,” the socialists think.

The objective of this proposal is to make known both the project itself and the works that adapt for this format in each season. In this sense, the Socialists propose to study the possibility of addressing the achievement of economic resources from a specific company perspective of the Teatro de la Zarzuela.

In addition, the PSOE asks to promote collaboration between the Ministries of Culture and Education to ensure that the promotion and advertising campaigns of the Zarza project reach the maximum possible public public and educational centers throughout the territory.

They also propose to study the viability for the creation of accounts of the Teatro de la Zarzuela and the Zarza project on streaming music platforms as well as the hiring of expert personnel so that the musical pieces of the works represented can be heard by this means and the artists and musicians who are part of the representations are promoted.

In 2017, the Teatro de la Zarzuela launched the first production of the Zarza project with the representation of ‘La Revoltosa’. Since then this initiative seeks to bring Spanish lyrical music to the young public through the adaptation of the genre, so that the works can be represented, priority, before non -university students.

However, the PSOE considers that the zarzuela has “being displaced” in the collective imaginary and has usually focused towards a very concrete and specialized audience. “For that reason, the objective pursued by the Zarza project is of vital importance to publicize an intrinsically Spanish musical genre among the young public, while contributing to the search for new musical talents,” says the socialists.

The Zarza project represents and adapts a work that is subsequently available on its YouTube profile totally or partially. “Approaching young people would involve an indisputable step in what has to do with a cultural policy oriented to territorial and social cohesion while supplying support for culture made by and aimed at young people regardless of the place where they are born or residing,” adds the PSOE.

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