The actress Ellen Hillingsø necessarily does not see that her children are following in her footsteps

The apple didn’t fall far from the tree – and yet it does.

Ellen Hillingsø, who is currently featured in the Christmas calendar ‘Tinka og Sjælens spejl’, has two children who both grew up with a well-known mother, but neither of them has plans to go the same way.

This is what the actress tells BILLED-BLADET.

– They haven’t made any plays, and I’ve also kept them a little away from it. It’s really hard work, and you may have some dreams that you don’t get to fulfill, Ellen Hillingsø tells the media, and adds that if the children still want to try their hand at acting, she will support their decision and support them no matter what .

Ellen Hillingsø has a daughter Anna aged 18 and a son Thomas aged 19 with her husband Christoffer Castenskiold. The daughter goes to high school and the son goes to college.

By Editor

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