Actress Stina Rautelin has died

Rautel was especially known for the highly popular Beck films. He also had a long career in the theater.

Finn actor Stina Rautelin has died at the age of 59, says Svenska Teatern in his Facebook post.

According to the publication, Rautelin died on Wednesday.

Born in Helsinki on October 25, 1963, Rautelin moved to Sweden at the beginning of the 2000s. Before that, he studied at Teatterikorkeakoulu and worked, among other things, at Svenska Teatern in Helsinki from 1987 to 1995.

He acted in Svenska Teatern, among other things Pippi in Longstocking, Anna in Karenina and the Shakespeare classic At the epiphany.

“Svenska Teatern’s colleagues and good friends share in the sadness over the loss of the always so cheerful Stina. Thank you for everything”, Svenska Teatern writes.

Rautelin was attached to the Stockholm City Theater in 2001.

In addition to theater, Rautelin made television and films in Sweden. He created a career, for example Shipping company– from the television series that aired between 1992 and 2002. Rautelin played Andrea Melini in the series between 1998 and 2000. The series was very popular in both Sweden and Finland.

Rautelin also garnered praise for her role as Lena Klingström in the highly popular TV series Beck-films, which Rautelin made a total of 16. His first Beck film, Beck: The Secret of IconsRautelin made in 1997.

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