Louise Houvenaeghel was rushed to hospital on Monday after experiencing severe pain in her abdomen.
Louise Houvenaeghel got something of a fright when she was rushed to hospital. Photo: Jonas Olufson

The 52-year-old journalist and entrepreneur Louise Houvenaeghel got something of a shock on Monday.

This is where she was rushed to hospital after experiencing severe pain in her stomach.

‘Yesterday I posted a story where I told I had been acutely hospitalized with some nasty stomach pains. I was not sent to Hillerød at Hillerød Hospital in the gynecology department until around 7 pm. They took samples, gave me antibiotics in tablet form – something powerful painkiller, which at the time seemed to work ‘, she writes in a post on Instagram and continues:

‘I was sent home again. I had barely gotten in the door before I started throwing up and getting in pain again. I tried to sleep. It was completely impossible ‘, she continues.

Louise Houvenaeghel says that it has been a long time since she has experienced such great pain, and she therefore knew that it was completely crazy.

‘I have never (perhaps just with the exception of four births) experienced anything take so powerfully over my body. My boyfriend took the lead, and we called in 1813. I was sent to Herlev Hospital with attention to appendicitis. However, we landed at the gynecological department again, as that was where the pain was located ‘, she writes and goes on to say that she then ended up in a large investigation.

Louise Houvenaeghel is in good spirits despite the hard work. Photo: Jonas Olufson
Louise Houvenaeghel is in good spirits despite the hard work. Photo: Jonas Olufson

Hole on the colon
During the investigation, she was in her own words in ‘a hell of pain’. She had a CT scan and shortly after she got the answer as to why she was in so much pain.

The condition required immediate surgery.

‘My colon had been punctured and they would operate immediately. Maybe they could just go in three places and mend the damage. Maybe some of my gut needed to be removed and needed to have a stoma. I took it strangely cool, rather stoma than the pain hell I was in. I probably would not have thought like that the day before (…) ‘, she writes.

Fortunately, the operation went well, says Louise Houvenaeghel.

‘I was driven down to the living room and greeted by the coolest team of women to take care of me. It felt so safe to be in their hands. Luckily, I woke up without a stoma. They had patched the hole and rinsed my abdominal cavity through ‘, she writes.

However, according to Louise Houvenaeghel, she needs to be in the hospital for a few days so doctors can make sure the wound does not pop up and the inflammation gets bigger.

Ekstra Bladet has been in contact with Louise Houvenaeghel, who right now has no further comments on the admission. However, Ekstra Bladet has been allowed to quote her post.

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