Cheated by reality star: – He is a fool – Ekstra Bladet

A good coup and a nice fun trip with the family on the occasion of her husband’s 40th birthday.

That was what Suna Max Schütt thought she got out of the deal when she bought eight cheap tickets to Tivoli from reality celebrity Lenny Pihl. But what she actually got was a very long nose.

The tickets, which Ekstra Bladet has seen documentation that she bought from Lenny Pihl, turned out to be invalid. Scam and scam, simply. And the money, which in Suna Max Schütt’s case was a sum of 1600 kroner, she has not yet seen.

For after she had bought and picked up the tickets, the former ‘Paradise Hotel’ winner created a new post where he now wrote and asked those who had bought tickets from him to contact him.

– Then he writes that the tickets had been canceled and that he was in contact with the company he had bought them from in order to resolve it. But I never got my money back, Suna tells Ekstra Bladet and adds that she has just reported the case to the police.

– When you first saw the post on Instagram, did you not think that the offer was too good to be true?

– No. I think he is well known and that he has therefore been offered to advertise. When I was down with him, he said he had 16 tickets left and that one should hurry, but when my friend wanted to shop with him, he was not to get in touch with, she says and adds:

– I think he’s a fool and I do not think it’s okay.

Believed in him
To Ekstra Bladet, Tivoli’s press manager, Torben Plank, confirms that they know of a case where a company has bought tickets that they did not pay, but still sold on.

– When someone buys tickets that are not paid for, they are canceled, so we can only encourage you to always be aware of good offers that are a little too good, and then you have to report it to the police. It is always a good rule of thumb that you must go through official channels when buying tickets, says Torben Plank.

And according to Suna Max Schütt, Lenny Pihl’s post is probably also a sign that he himself has become aware that something was wrong with the tickets he had resold.

– He started by saying that someone had abused the tickets and cheated on him. I tried to be sweet and understanding and believed in him when he came up with his explanations. But now that I’ve never got my money back, I’m starting to suspect him of having known it from the start, she says.

Not the first time
It’s far from the first time that Lenny Pihl is making a name for himself by advertising questionable products.

The other day, Ekstra Bladet was able to describe how Lenny Pihl has recently advertised a company that sells illegal copies of Rolex watches.

Lenny Pihl has also previously ended up in a storm over having advertised for, among other things, quick loans and a sugar dating website.

In doing so, he lay down flat and promised that it would be over with that sort of thing.

– There have been a lot of shitstorms with turbo loans, snuff and Todayters. It was fun and trouble, and there was just money to be made. But I regret that I made the Todayters commercial, because there were a lot of people who were offended by it, it sounded at the time from Lenny Pihl.

Ekstra Bladet has been in contact with Lenny Pihl in connection with this article, but he did not want to be interviewed. Below you can read what we would have asked him.

– We have been contacted by a woman who feels cheated by you in connection with a collaboration you have had with a company that sold Tivoli tickets. She has paid you 1600 kroner for some invalid tickets, which she has never received again. What do you have to say to that?

– Are there any prospects until she gets them?

– What have you done to rectify the matter?

– Why do you choose to partner with a company that sells Tivoli tickets at a discount?

– Shouldn’t you be able to tell yourself that it was too good to be true?

– Now you yourself say that you have been cheated in connection with the Tivoli tickets, and until recently you advertised for illegal watches. At the same time, you have previously said that it should stop advertising dubious products – when do you learn that?

By Editor

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