The second day of the Book and Rose Festival began this Saturday with a human tide that began to flood the stalls and hallways of the University Cultural Center of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

As the afternoon wore on, the bustle and hubbub seemed to intensify, creating a symphony of voices and laughter that mingled with the aroma of new books. Students, families and young people dedicated to the passion of reading shared impressions and recommendations about those titles that sparked their interest.

However, after an intense heat that fluctuated around 28 degrees Celsius, a sudden rain refreshed the atmosphere and changed the dynamics of the party a little; Although some visitors welcomed the opportunity to cool off, others were forced to seek shelter.

Isabel Romero, a grandmother with silver hair and a kind smile, walked steadily through the modules holding the hand of her grandson, Quique, who managed to convince her to buy a Pumas shirt (her favorite soccer team) as well as a book about Harry Potter.

His parents couldn’t accompany uscommented Isabel, 68 years old, but I brought my grandson so he won’t be idle in the house. If I neglect myself a little, he is already enthralled with the cell phone, the computer or the TV.he added.

Meanwhile, as a sign of affection and complicity, a couple decided to choose a copy that they considered special to give to each other. We really like stories and novelssaid Miguel Monroy, a philosophy major at the highest university.

Roberto Carrasco, a graduate of the Faculty of Architecture, came to the bookseller’s meeting with a detailed list of titles he wanted to acquire, among them Stop being you, by Joe Dispenza, and The art of asking questions, by Mario Borghino.

I have already read and studied a lot of architecture; The net now I want to be an entrepreneur, but also dedicate time to knowing my body, because I suffer a lot of stresscommented the architect.

Ediciones Era, Almadía, Penguin Random House, Ediciones Cal y Arena, Librería Utopicos, Librerías Wanderlust, Ediciones FAD, Nirvana Libros, Editorial Resistencia, Editorial Chipotle, Ediciones Dos Puntos and Oceano are some of the 500 labels participating in the cultural festival, whose edition 16 is titled The whispers of tongues: Languages ​​and writings.

Among the activities dedicated this Saturday to those passionate about literature, the talk stood out See you in August, by Gabriel García Márquez, with the participation of Benito Taibo and Mariana Booker; the editorial presentation of European tales, by Vicente Riva Palacio, with Diana Geraldo Camacho and Ana Laura Zavala Díaz, as well as the discussion Horror stories: From screen to paper, chaired by Kevin García, Emmanuel Morales, Ricardo Segura and Alejandra Martínez.

In interview with The Day, Julia Santibáñez, head of the Directorate of Literature and Promotion of Reading at the UNAM, explained that “this year more than 500 activities are presented at the cultural meeting and, basically, we are interested in active writers, who are producing, publishing and have a solid trajectory, although we also give a relevant space to new pens, to emerging authors.

“We wanted to mix new and established writers, but the common denominator is quality. The UNAM is a very strong, very powerful body, and very close to the people because of its free nature, because of its autonomy.

“We emphasize young people because they are offered different paths to approach reading and books; It is not just about presentations or sales of copies (although there are good discounts), but also parallel activities such as concerts, dance presentations, music and oral narrations are offered.

It is about offering different ways or paths to reach the heart, which is the book, but the enjoyed book. The fair is free (mostly), there are only a couple of activities that have a cost, but unlike other similar meetings, here you can walk around all day without paying any feeconcluded the writer and editor as well.

The Book and Rose Festival takes place at the UNAM University Cultural Center and at alternate venues, such as the Chopo Museum and the Tlatelolco University Cultural Center. The complete program can be consulted on the website Concludes today.

By Editor

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