CEDD demands that the Artist Statute take into account the specificity of creators with disabilities

The Spanish Council for the Defense of Disability and Dependency (CEDDD) has demanded that the interests of artists with disabilities be included in the Artist Statute.

The requests of CEDDD and Diverse Artists in this area involve the Artist Statute making express mention of disability pensions and regulating the compatibility between this type of public benefits and the receipt of income derived from a creative and artistic activity.

With this objective, CEDDD has participated together with its associate Diverse Artists in the working meeting with the Secretary of State for Culture, Jordi Martí, and with the general director of Cultural Rights, Jazmín Beirak, to learn about the progress in the design of the new regulations.

Myrtha Casanova, president of Artistas Diversos, recalled that “the majority of artists do not have an employment contract with a company for which they receive a salary or fixed monthly income, but rather the income depends on the sale of their works or specific contracts for performance”. For this reason, he recalled that obtaining income “does not have a stable or fixed nature, quite the opposite, and flexibility in the receipt of pensions that apply and/or correspond can easily resolve this enormous barrier that all artists currently have. with or without disabilities,” he added.

After bringing the situation of artists with disabilities to the attention of the Ministry of Culture, it is now expected to know the position of the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, which before the paralysis of the Artist Statute due to the call for general elections was open to a negotiation.

By Editor

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