Organizations in the bullfighting sector ask for the resignation of Urtasun for eliminating the Bullfighting Prize: “It is censorship”

The Royal Union of Fighting Bull Breeders, the Union of Bullfighters, the National Association of Bullfighting Organizations (ANOET), the Fighting Bull Foundation and the Rural Alliance This Friday, May 3, they have demanded the resignation of the Minister of Culture, Ernest Urtasun after the decision to eliminate the National Bullfighting Award, something they consider a “censorship exercise.”

In that sense, through a statement, the organizations have described this suppression as an “insult” and add that It is the “most important cultural economic activity” in Spain, while they accuse Urtasun of carrying out an “attack” against law 18/2023 that establishes that “the State must protect and promote bullfighting, a direct responsibility of the minister.”

Furthermore, they claim that bullfighting It is a symbol of the “rural world” and “its customs” and they consider that legislating against “so many spectators who fill the bullrings” is an “exercise in totalitarianism” that they relate to “other regimes.”

This Friday, the Ministry of Culture made the decision to suppress the National Bullfighting Award, considering that these awards should be “faithful reflection of the evaluations and feelings of society”, such as increased concern for animal welfare.

In that sense, the organizations that signed this statement respond that it is an argument that “attacks democracy” and that It is an “aberration” for those who defend and “respect” the fighting bull as a “real paradigm of animal welfare”.

By Editor

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