'Looking at the bull', realism through painting and taxidermy in Las Ventas

They are two argandos with art. That of expressing his feelings and his passion for the world of bullfighting through two disciplines: painting and taxidermy. They are both called Luis, they are both from 1979 and they both share these days, until next May 12the Welcome Room Sales to exhibit works that impress with their spectacular nature and beauty.

The first Luis, Pineda, He felt an attraction to drawing and painting from an early age. And nothing better than putting it into practice with one of her great passions, that of bullfighting. That union of arts has consolidated his work until he managed to reach the Chair, 25 years after his first exhibition.

In the presentation of the exhibition, it was explained how Luis Pineda “turns his love and passion for the bullfighting world into his works, brushstroke by brushstroke, transforming the canvas or blank paper into realistic works with strength and color, stopping in front of the viewer.” a fleeting moment for your enjoyment.

Paintings by artist Luis Pineda.

The other Luis, Maroto, He adds to his love of bulls that of hunting. In 2002 he did his first self-taught taxidermy work. With passion and dedication He perfects his technique until he becomes, 20 years later, a reference in this art. Luis Maroto reveals his secret. “Nonconformism and enormous perfectionism.” Something that can be seen in the impressive expression that his works convey when you have them face to face.

This is precisely what was talked about at the launch of this exhibition: “Maroto’s naturalizations as works of great expressiveness, which lead the viewer to contemplate each piece with curiosity, getting to have the sensation of being in front of bulls that look with the appearance of being alive.

By Editor

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