Rock: the Burning Heads still have the sacred fire

Almost forty years after their formation, near Orléans, the Burning Heads are still breathing fire. Age does not seem to have any influence on the musicians, always just as vindictive and purveyors of mainly punk sounds, but also sometimes hard-core or reggae. Certainly, only the drummer, Tomoi, has been officiating since the beginning, but some of his acolytes, like the bassist JBe or one of the two guitarists, Mikis, have been with him for several decades. The arrival of a new singer, Fra, around 2020, signaled a return to the forefront of the group which, after an excellent “Torches Of Freedom” in 2022, has just delivered, in April, an untitled “Embers Of Protest”. less invigorating.

A record which opens with one of the best tracks in the history of Burning, “Pyromaniac”, as fast as it is melodic, and which concludes with the militant call, “Keep The Fire Burning”. The fiery metaphor continues to be spun with “Strike A Match”, a strong maousse speeding excess is to be noted on “Red”, and “Dark Romance” constitutes the obligatory and relaxing reggae passage found on each album of the combo .


So many titles played on Wednesday May 22 at the Petit Bain in Paris for a “release party” celebrating the advent of this 17th studio album, which will now be defended on stage as it should be. Attention future spectators, please bring a fire extinguisher, because the group is a flame thrower on legs!

26 pieces in 1h10

In the capital, he begins to grill his audience with “All Set To Glow”, before unveiling his first new release, “Survival Instinct”. From the third track, the classic “Endless Loop” (In My Head), Fra throws a few leg kicks, sometimes accompanied in time by JBe. And it is from the fifth piece, “Fine”, that the first slammer tries his luck, carried at arm’s length by the wild audience.

After a particularly strong “Red”, Fra warns that it will be time to slow down a little, pointing out that it is very hot there, and wondering “there are portholes on this boat? “. So it’s time for the reggae moment, “Dark Romance”, the announcement of which provokes loud applause from the spectators, who also take advantage of it to recharge their batteries. Because the end of the concert is already approaching, with “Break Me Down”, “Catch My Fall” and other “Super Modern World”.


Two punk tracks and a reggae encore, “Handcuffed”, dedicated to “Monsieur Darmanin”, before a final “I Want Out”. 26 songs in an hour and 10, it’s clear, the Burning Heads are still not afraid of infernal cadences and their music remains a punk fire that is difficult to contain. But what do the firefighters do?

On tour: this Friday May 24 in Libourne, the 25th in Voulte-sur-Rhône, July 6 in Signy-l’Abbaye, August 3 in Valloire, the 31st in Saint-Eugène, September 14 in Auch, 28 in Louhans…

By Editor

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