Madrid. The president of the Group of World Heritage Cities (GCPH) and mayor of San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Luis Yeray Gutiérrez, held a meeting with the Association of Mexican World Heritage Cities (ANCMPM) in Xochimilco, in Mexico City, to implement lines of work and collaboration in the defense, recovery, conservation and dissemination of the historical and cultural heritage of the cities of both countries recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO, for its acronym in English) due to its exceptional universal value.

Held at the Michmani Ecotourism Center, the meeting was attended by the Tourism Counselor of the Spanish Embassy in Mexico, Fernando Villalba; the municipal president of San Luis Potosí and president of the ANCMPM, Daniela Cid González, along with other representatives of this organization.

Luis Yeray Gutiérrez stressed the relevance of this alliance, and recalled that one of the objectives of the GCPH, expressed in the 30th anniversary manifesto, is promote its international dimension through cooperation agreements with entities and associations that bring together cities from other countries included in the UNESCO list, with similar purposes in the conservation and defense of historical heritage.

Common challenges

The mayor of La Laguna indicated that the Heritage Cities of Spain and Mexico have common challenges, so close international collaboration will help advance the search for global solutions to situations such as gentrification or the need to advance technological solutions for administration. comprehensive heritage.

Mexico is the fourth country in number of cities declared by UNESCO as world heritage, only behind Italy, Spain and France. A quarter of the listed Latin American cities are located here, making it the number one country on the continent.

Among the purposes of the ANCMPM is to manage public and private, national and international economic support for works and actions that conserve, improve, disseminate and maintain cities.

By Editor

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