Zora del Buono’s non-fiction novel “Because of Him”: Father was never there

Her father died when she was eight months old and her life was marked by his accident. In the non-fiction novel “Because of Him”, Zora del Buono tries to find the person responsible.

There are terrible events that you think you have experienced without having been directly involved in them. The death of a loved one before or shortly after your own birth is one of those tormenting near-experiences that often cast a shadow over your entire life and that you may not realize until later what they have done to you. Zora del Buono’s autobiographical novel “Because of Him” ​​tells of such a twisted pain of loss. It is about how the narrator, who is undoubtedly the same as the author, gets to the bottom of her father’s early death, in the truest sense of the word, namely through research.

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