5 types of milk good for people with diabetes

Skim milk, soy milk, and corn milk have a low glycemic index and glycemic load, which are good for the health of diabetics.

MSc. Dr. Nguyen Anh Duy Tung, Nutrihome Nutrition Center, said that the glycemic index (GI) of food is a measure of the ability of a food to increase blood sugar after eating compared to standard food. GI is divided into three groups: low GI ≤55, medium GI 56-69, high GI ≥70.

The glycemic load (GL) of a food is a measure of how much blood sugar will rise after eating a portion of food containing a certain amount of carbohydrates. Foods have a low glycemic load when the GL is ≤10, a medium glycemic load when the GL is 11-19, and a high glycemic load when the GL is ≥20.

Patients can drink milk but need to ensure the right type and appropriate content limit. Prioritize low-fat or non-fat milk lines, low glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL), and no sugar.

Milk is rich in high-quality protein, vitamin D, B vitamins, calcium, zinc, magnesium, and selenium. They help strengthen the immune system, improve overall health, maintain muscle function, and control post-meal blood sugar.

Greek Yogurt The water (found in milk) has been removed, so it contains less lactose, high-quality protein with all 9 essential amino acids to help maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time, regulate blood sugar after meals, and control weight. This food is good for people with diabetes because the GI is at 11, three times lower than regular yogurt. This dish slows down the absorption of sugar in the intestine, limiting the risk of sudden high blood sugar after eating.

Skim milk or low fat containing less than 3% fat, low GI and GL (GI 27-47 and GL 1.3-1.6). Patients using drinks in moderation limit the risk of excessive weight gain, prevent disease progression or complications.

Soy milk has carbohydrates, low calories, rich in protein, fiber. This drink helps reduce the risk of sudden increase in blood sugar, slows down the digestion of carbohydrates, and maintains stable blood sugar levels. Soy milk also contains many isoflavones – a group of compounds that can promote the absorption of glucose from the blood into cells, supporting blood sugar regulation.

Unsweetened nut milk (flaxseeds, cashews, almonds, walnuts) provide many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants for people with diabetes. Vitamin B1 helps prevent the formation of harmful by-products in the process of glucose metabolism, helps reduce oxidative stress, improves endothelial function, and helps prevent cardiovascular complications. Vitamin E regulates fasting blood sugar. Zinc improves insulin sensitivity in cells. Manganese enhances the production of insulin – a hormone that regulates blood sugar.

Types of nut milk are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which stimulate the body to produce more insulin, improve insulin sensitivity to target cells, and control blood sugar levels. Thereby, they help prevent diabetes from worsening or becoming complicated.

Corn milk has a low GI (20.8) and GL (1.87), low in calories (25 calories per 100 g), supports weight control, suitable for overweight or obese diabetics. This drink is rich in B vitamins, which help improve insulin resistance and prevent fatty liver complications in diabetics.

Doctor Duy Tung recommends that diabetics who add milk to their daily diet need to balance other foods. Ensure adequate intake of important nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals.

Control the amount of carbohydrates consumed in milk and other foods so that the total glycemic load (GL) does not exceed 20 – a safe limit that does not cause a sudden increase in blood sugar. Each patient has a different constitution, absorption level, blood sugar status, and underlying disease. To ensure health, patients should consult an endocrinologist – diabetes or nutritionist about the type of milk they can drink every day.

Patients should regularly check their blood sugar levels, have regular check-ups and take medication as prescribed. Limit consumption of foods high in sugar, salt, saturated fat, and raw foods. Control weight, avoid being overweight or obese.

Supplementing natural essences such as GDL-5 (extracted from South American sugarcane pollen) helps reduce total cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of complications caused by diabetes. Patients can go for a nutrition check-up, measure body composition, and test for micronutrients to determine which nutrients the body is lacking or in excess of. From there, the doctor will advise on building a nutritional regimen suitable for the body’s needs.

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