Patch skull with titanium mesh for people with brain tumors

Mrs. Hoa, 50 years old, has two large meninges tumors corroding the skull, the surgeon removed the tumor and patched the skull with a titanium mesh.

Ms. Hoa’s brain tumor appeared two years ago. The doctor appointed surgery but she refused due to fear of paralysis, medical treatment. In the last two weeks, she was twitching half -people, talking, unable to control the limbs … The symptoms were getting worse, taking the medicine did not help, went to Tam Anh General Hospital to examine Hanoi. Magnetic resonance results (MRI) show that Ms. Hoa has two large meninges with 38x40x48 mm and 6×4.5×6 mm at the outside of the axis of the forehead and left top.

On March 13, Master, Doctor Pham Van Tin, Department of Neurosurgery – Spine, said the tumor had pinched into the brain parenchyma in the left brain hemisphere, where the function of moving the body was half -on -right. If not treated promptly, the tumor develops on the nerve function, causing hemiplegia patients. The tumor corrodes the skull and invades the largest vein sinuses of the brain, causing brain edema.

The doctor decided to surgery to remove the tumor for Mrs. Hoa. This is a less invasive technique, allowing direct access to the location of the lesion with a small incision, helping patients recover quickly and reduce complications. Before the surgery, doctors applied the Navigation navigation system to map surgery, plan and navigation in the operating.

During the actual surgery, the team uses microsurgical glass to determine the boundary between tumors and healthy brain tissue, clearly observing important structures as well as bleeding points, thereby accurate and safe surgery. The IOM system supports continuous monitoring of nerve function areas during surgery, contributing to reducing the risk of nerve damage and postoperative complications.

Dr. Tin assessed that the tumor had invaded the skull and left a large skull defect, which must be replaced by a titanium skull patch. Based on the results of the CT scan, the previous MRI of the brain, the doctor can build the 3D image of the skull bone. Since then, the artificial skull is shaped fits tightly to the skull, ensuring aesthetics after surgery.

Titanium skull surgery is often applied in cases of skull defects due to trauma, surgery to remove skull bone to relieve pressure, brain tumor … Titanium is a light, flexible, durable material. Thanks to good biological compatibility, titanium is widely used in brain transplant surgery. Using titanium in the skull regeneration helps reduce 80% of the risk of infection compared to other materials, while ensuring high durability and biological compatibility, according to Dr. Tin.


Photos of MRI tumor tumor and titanium skull patch of the patient. Image: Tam Anh General Hospital

After surgery, two tumors were completely removed, Ms. Hoa was awake, the skull material was compatible with the body, was discharged after a week.

Dr. Tin advises that after brain tumor surgery, especially in the case of titanium pieces, patients need to follow closely instructions for care and medication as directed. Keep the incision clean, avoid a strong impact on the surgery area so as not to affect the puzzle, ensure the recovery process is convenient, limiting the risk of infection. If abnormal signs such as prolonged headaches, nausea, seizures or redness, fluids need to go to the hospital to check.

In the early stages after surgery, patients need to limit their efforts, do not carry heavy carrying, do not bow suddenly to avoid pressure on the newly transplanted skull. Building adequate nutrition, supplementing foods rich in protein, vitamins, minerals to support the healing process.

Meningioma is a tumor that develops from the meninges – the membrane covers the brain, the spinal cord. This is a common form of primary brain tumor, usually benign, slow development. However, if not detected and treated promptly, the tumor can compress the brain, seriously affecting the nerve function.

Symptoms of brain tumors are unclear in the early stages. Tumor growth can cause visual disorders, convulsions, weakness or numbness in the limbs. When signs such as aggravating headaches, loss of balance, patients should go to the medical facility early to detect and intervene in time, limit complications.

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