In light of the extreme heat wave: Doctors recommend leaving the house without underwear

This week we are experiencing an extreme heat wave in Israel – similar to what has been happening in recent days in Europe – so doctors are asking the public to get rid of their underwear to allow the body to ventilate.

According to experts, giving up underwear when leaving the house allows our sweaty parts to ventilate and breathe better, allows sweat as it is formed to cool the skin most effectively and bring down body temperature, helps reduce risks of fungal infection and improves sperm count in men. However, they warn against genital injuries that can result from ruffles or rough fabrics – as well as germs that may stick to our unwashed pants.

Many men and women in Europe have revealed on Twitter that they no longer wear underwear or boxer shorts when leaving the house to ventilate the area – and call on others to join the trend. Sexual health expert Samantha Evans told the Daily Star: “For better health in intimate areas, women should abandon their underwear in any situation they can and wear long dresses or skirts.” The medical group Rush added: “The skin is part of your body’s cooling system. Sweating cools the body and maintains its temperature in the right range.”

According to the Healthline website, Candida, the bacterium responsible for vaginal fungal infection, thrives in hot and humid environments, so exemption from panties can reduce the risk for women. “Wearing tight underwear or underwear that is not made of a breathable material, such as cotton, can lead to the retention of moisture in the area of ​​your penis and facilitate the growth of fungal bacteria,” it said. It has also been noted that not wearing underwear can help reduce unpleasant odors from the vagina, as moisture can cause strong odors coming from there. When it comes to men, experts say giving up underwear helps ventilate the area and may also reduce fungal infections. They said that “a sweat-wet penis is a growth pad for fungi, which can cause redness, irritation and itching.”

However they warned anyone who decides to give up the underwear that he should wash his pants regularly. “The genitals can carry a lot of bacteria so one should wear clothes that touch the exposed genitals only once before washing.”

On Twitter many expressed their support for the idea. “Free movement ‘without underwear’ is good for these hot days,” one article and another added: “We can all agree that it is also right to get rid of bras in this heat.” Another user noted: “I rarely wear underwear – and no, it’s not rude. It’s important for ventilation down there.”

The average temperatures this weekend in the country are expected to reach 32 degrees Celsius, so maybe we should take the experts’ suggestion seriously.

By Editor

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