5 drinks you should drink instead of coffee to wake up
The first coffee of the morning is already a kind of cultural hallmark for people with a morning routine, but sometimes it’s hard not to wonder if it’s a case of chicken and egg: the body really needs coffee to wake up the brain, or has the brain already been conditioned to think that this is what the body needs? Be that as it may, it is important to remember that coffee on an empty stomach is not the most recommended thing, and there are other options to start the day with and get a shot of energy during it. Here are five of them:

Shake green on the morning

If you have to drink something as soon as you wake up, at least make sure it’s green: a smoothie full of leaves and green vegetables is rich in fiber and reduced in sugar compared to other fruits. Kale and spinach, for example, are bursting with stimulating nutrients, and are also a good source of iron, which helps transport oxygen to the body’s cells to fight fatigue. Try the following recipe: avocado, pineapple, spinach, banana and coconut water.

Buttery coffee (boltproof) when you get to the office

Coffee rich in butter and coconut (which got its name as a result of a recipe developed by the American company Bulletproof) is able to boost energy levels through MCT (Medium-chain triglycerides, which are a type of fat found mainly in coconut oil). A 2009 study found that MCT is able to not only raise the body’s energy but also endurance levels. In addition, it will prevent you from snacking before lunch.

Coconut water before noon

In addition to drinking water throughout the day, you should also consider adding coconut water – it is rich in nutrients, antioxidants and electrolytes, and contains a lot of potassium, which helps balance fluid levels in the body and the nervous system. A 2012 study even found coconut water to be just as effective at rehydrating the body as sports drinks.

Afternoon green tea

If you still feel groggy and exhausted from the night, or from lunch, it is better to choose green tea instead of another cup of coffee. Green tea has a lot of antioxidants and other nutrients that are able to provide a more effective “buzz” without hand tremors, thanks to the combination of caffeine and theanine. According to a 2008 study, a cup of green tea a day can give a serious boost to energy and brain functions.

Golden milk before bed

Just before you paralyze your systems, sip this drink (coconut milk with turmeric, ginger and black pepper), which has anti-inflammatory properties, thanks to turmeric, which is a super spice that can also relieve anxiety and improve sleep quality.

It is important to note:

None of these drinks replaces water, which may seem boring and tasteless in comparison, but is an important part not only in quenching thirst during the day and preventing dehydration, but also in the body’s awakening process and its fight against fatigue.

Also, the order of the drinks listed here is recommended but not critical – you can certainly mix and vary according to availability and desire. And to increase the effectiveness, it is also recommended to combine them with naturally stimulating foods.

By Editor

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