What should people with enteritis eat and avoid?

People with enteritis should eat bananas, white rice, bread, and yogurt because they are easy to digest. They should limit nuts, milk, and whole grains because they easily cause irritation.

Chronic inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease often occur in the ileum and large intestine. Symptoms are usually abdominal pain and diarrhea if during an outbreak. Patients can suffer from abscesses, fistulas inside and outside the intestines, intestinal obstruction, and sometimes arthritis.

Below is a diet that is beneficial for people with inflammatory bowel disease.

Fresh fruits and vegetables

According to the American Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation, fresh produce is an important part of a healthy, balanced diet for people with inflammatory bowel disease. However, fruits with peel and raw vegetables can cause discomfort to the digestive system, patients should peel, chop or cook them to make them easier to digest.

Fruits should be eaten such as bananas, watermelon, and peeled apples. Apples with skin contain a lot of fiber, making it difficult for the body to absorb. Peel, chop and cook to make apple sauce that is good for people with stomach disorders.

Cooked vegetables such as potatoes, grilled or boiled squash are soft and easy to digest. Patients can juice vegetables and fruits or blend them into a smoothie for easier absorption and nutritional supplementation.

People with IBD should avoid fruits and vegetables high in fiber because they can increase intestinal gas, such as corn, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower), and dried plums.


When symptoms flare up, people should choose bread, pasta, and carbohydrates made from white flour instead of whole grains. White rice and sourdough bread are also low-fiber options to avoid irritating the intestines. Avoid using brown rice because it is rich in fiber and difficult to digest.

People with gluten intolerance can use oatmeal instead. Avoid cereals and granola that have dried fruit, nuts or other additives.


Milk and milk products like cheese are often difficult to digest when Crohn’s disease symptoms are active. However, patients can use low-fat, unsweetened yogurt. Yogurt provides probiotics (good bacteria) that are beneficial for gut health.


Lean protein sources such as skinless chicken breast and fish are beneficial for patients. Avoid fried, greasy or spicy foods. Because fat is difficult to digest, it can easily cause bloating, abdominal pain, and worsen the symptoms of enteritis.

Foods high in plant-based protein such as beans can also lead to bloating. Patients eat cooked eggs, tofu or tempeh (fermented soybeans) to both supplement protein and replace meat, reducing intestinal irritation during an outbreak. Nuts that often cause indigestion should also be limited.


Foods high in sugar such as cakes, cookies, ice cream, puddings, candy, and dried fruit are often more difficult to break down in the intestines. Sugar substitutes such as xylitol and sorbitol in products such as sugar-free hard candy and chewing gum sometimes cause digestive upset.


According to the US National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, patients should drink plenty of filtered water to stay hydrated or use water, electrolyte replacement drinks, and nutritional supplements recommended by their doctor. Avoid carbonated drinks, caffeine (tea, coffee, chocolate) and alcohol to avoid making symptoms worse.

By Editor

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