Does the switch to summer time cause obesity? You will be shocked by the answer
Which is better for maintaining weight – winter time or summer time? Here are some facts to note:Fatigue causes obesity – when switching to summer time we lose an hour of sleep, for some of us this causes fatigue and the fatigue causes an increase in the need for sweets, even without us noticing. Because the sweet is an available and stimulating energy.

More light hours – is it more or less calories?

Although according to studies, precisely during the winter time when it gets dark earlier, less serotonin and eating more, on the other hand, more light – you go out to hang out more, and eat more ice cream or spend more time in restaurants.

Our habits – sometimes the body speaks and not according to the time

For example, if I’m hungry at a certain time in the evening or in the morning – should I wait for the right time to arrive or listen to my body? A little confusion is created which may cause higher calorie consumption until the body gets used to it.

So what is better? Winter time or summer time in this respect? According to the theories, summer time is better.

Many hours of darkness: in the dark there is a lower secretion of serotonin. A decrease in serotonin levels also causes a bad mood, and at the same time a subconscious increase in the need for carbohydrates, which are considered by many to improve mood.

In addition, in winter we feel less like going out to hang out, of course, more hours at home are also more hours with availability to snack and ultimately there is an increase in the consumption of calories in winter.

Another factor that is important to pay attention to in the winter – cold causes increased hunger, because one of the ways the body warms itself is eating. In the subconscious there is a greater hunger when we are cold, compared to heat and hamsin which reduce appetite.

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