Why do I get headaches when changing altitude?

Changes in air pressure cause insufficient oxygen supply to the body, causing difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat, causing headaches and nausea.

Some people often get headaches when changing altitudes such as flying, cable cars, or climbing mountains. This condition is called altitude headache, which occurs when air pressure changes.

The human lungs and circulatory system function normally in atmospheric conditions at sea level altitudes. The air near the ground contains more oxygen. When people go to high altitudes, air pressure gradually decreases, the air contains less oxygen, making it difficult for the lungs to breathe.

At an altitude of over 2,500 m above sea level, which is the altitude when climbing mountains or flying, many people have difficulty breathing and their heart rate increases rapidly. This is to provide enough oxygen to the body’s organs, leading to headaches and nausea. The higher the altitude, the lower the amount of oxygen in the air, making the headache worse.

The level of pain depends on the climbing speed as well as the time of altitude change. If the time from the ground to high altitude is rapid, the possibility of headaches will be more severe and last longer because the body cannot adapt to the sudden change in air. On the contrary, the speed of ascent is slow, the risk of pain may be less.

Headaches due to changes in altitude often occur on both sides of the head, and may be accompanied by other symptoms such as tired breathing, coughing, and weak limbs. The pain usually subsides after 24 hours or when you return to altitudes below 2,000 m or sea level.

To prevent headaches, climbers should climb slowly, not exert themselves, and rest properly. In case of altitude change when flying, cable car or other activities, you should drink more water than usual, more than two liters per day. Increase the amount of carbohydrates in your diet in the days before a change in altitude. Some foods rich in healthy carbohydrates for the body such as barley, legumes, sweet potatoes, brown rice…

Adults can also get headaches due to stress before climbing mountains or flying. Keep a comfortable and happy mentality to avoid the risk of headache symptoms appearing.

Cigarettes and alcohol make it more difficult for the body to get used to high altitudes, negatively affecting your health. Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking before these trips. If necessary, you can bring a portable oxygen tank to supplement oxygen when climbing to reduce headaches.

By Editor

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