6 breakfast foods that are not good for the heart

Cereals and cakes contain a lot of sugar, which increases inflammation; Processed meat is rich in bad fats that can cause heart disease if eaten regularly.

Breakfast is an important meal, providing energy to start a new day after a long night of sleep. However, some breakfast foods are not good and should be limited to help keep your heart healthy.

Sugary cereals

Many breakfast cereals are high in sugar, artificial colors, preservatives and added calories. When consuming too much sugar, the body releases insulin, storing the excess sugar in fat cells. In the long term, this can lead to weight gain and insulin resistance, which are risk factors for inflammation and metabolic disorders.

Eat breakfast with whole grains, oatmeal topped with fresh fruit, or choose varieties with less than 4 grams of added sugar per serving to be heart-healthy.

White bread

White bread is made from refined carbohydrates (carbs) like white flour, with fiber and other essential nutrients removed. Refined carbs lack fiber, so they increase blood sugar quickly, causing an inflammatory response. Prioritize whole grain bread for a healthy breakfast that provides better energy.

White bread contains refined carbs and lacks fiber. Image: Bao Bao

Processed meat

Breakfast meats such as bacon, sausage, and cold cuts are high in sodium, contributing to high blood pressure and increasing the risk of heart disease. They are also a potential source of saturated fat. If eaten too much, it can increase harmful LDL cholesterol, leading to the risk of clogged arteries or atherosclerosis.

This breakfast meat also contains many preservatives and inflammatory chemicals, which can disrupt intestinal balance or immunity. You should enjoy these dishes in moderation instead of eating them every day.

Flavored yogurt

In addition to sweets like cookies and cakes, added sugar can also be hidden in seemingly healthy breakfast foods like yogurt.

Many flavored yogurts contain a lot of added sugar and sweeteners to increase taste stimulation and make it easier to enjoy. They also contain a fair amount of coloring, which makes the dish look more appealing but is low in nutrients.

Eating unflavored, low-fat milk or making your own at home is healthier. If you are used to the sweet taste, try adding berries to make it easier to eat.

Bottled smoothies

This drink has the risk of containing a lot of sugar, syrup, and lacking fiber and nutrients found in whole fruits and vegetables. Consuming too much of this juice causes weight gain, high blood sugar, and increases the risk of heart disease. Homemade smoothies with natural ingredients are a better choice.

Baked goods

Cookies, cakes, and muffins are often high in sugar, leading to weight gain. The amount of triglycerides in the body increases if you eat a lot of baked goods. The main ingredient of baked goods is white flour, which can cause high blood sugar levels and quick hunger.

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