Foods that reduce anxiety
There is no shortage of reasons to be stressed these days. Instead of being drawn to all kinds of pills and supplements that you don’t really need, nature itself offers some solutions that can help calm the anxiety level. And the best part – they are also delicious.salmon

This fish is especially rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which many studies have indicated naturally elevate mood because they easily bind to molecules in the brain that affect it, according to the Harvard University Health Blog. Omega 3 also helps protect the heart, which is especially important in anxiety situations. Stress, as we know, causes an increase in the cortisol hormone in the body, and if the levels are too high, the vascular and cardiovascular system suffers and the chance of heart disease and stroke increases.

Cherry juice

If you happen to pass by the juice shelf in the supermarket and do not understand who exactly buys cherry juice – here is a reason. Dietitian Alex Caspero claims that the juice adds a dose of melatonin to the body that is able to calm it down and even encourage healthy sleep patterns. One glass after physical training or before bed can help the body recover and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.


Did you know that a cup of cooked broccoli contains twice the amount of vitamin C that is in an average orange? This is of course a vitamin that is able to control blood pressure and cortisol levels, and on the way to strengthen the immune system (which is weakened by stress). You can combine it in an omelette, dip it in hummus or just devour it as an afternoon snack in front of the TV.


The next time you order sushi home, to include a small portion of edamame on the side – “These beans have nutrients that can improve the mood,” says nutritionist Marissa Moore, “and this is compared to foods that are too fatty that are difficult to digest and therefore can have a negative effect on the mood.” . As a bonus, soybeans also contain a wealth of vitamin B, folic acid, calcium and magnesium – a mixture of components that help the brain produce serotonin that enhances excitement.


“People with a low level of magnesium in the body probably have high concentrations of C-reactive protein,” says Caspero, when it comes to a protein that is associated with high stress levels and risk levels for depression. Also, magnesium is able to increase blood pressure and cortisol levels in the body. And since beans have a relatively high concentration of magnesium, it is recommended to consume them in any situation – in soup, stew or even as an addition to pasta.

Citrus fruits and strawberries

Large doses of vitamin C, as mentioned, are able to reduce the blood pressure that soars during anxiety. According to Caspero, it is recommended to eat the whole fruit rather than squeeze it into juice, in order to enjoy its many nutritional benefits. Strawberries are also bursting with vitamin C, and one cup of them contains 149 percent of its recommended daily intake!

Warm milk

Everyone knows that a glass of warm milk at night can help you fall asleep, but according to the website milk is also able to calm the whole body, and on a psychological level. The bodies of people who grew up with the habit of drinking a glass of warm milk before bed, for example, already automatically know it’s time to sleep. And according to a study published in the Nutrition Research and Practice magazine, the calcium in milk is also able to reduce stress, and also the vitamin D in it relaxes the muscles and stabilizes the mood. A study published in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology claims that warm milk can even relieve period pain.

Dark Chocolate

It may sound like a luxury, but incorporating dark chocolate into the diet can reduce stress and anxiety within two days, according to nutritionists and dietitians such as Susan Meirovitz. This is because it is rich in antioxidants that are able to reduce the concentrations of stress hormones in the blood. The recommended amount is about 28.3 grams per day of high-quality dark chocolate without added sugar.

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