8 habits to help children remember well

Parents encourage children to regularly exercise, meditate, read books, and eat healthy to have good memory.

Children who remember well can learn and absorb new things more easily. This also enriches the experience and builds necessary life skills for your baby. However, some children do not naturally have good memory ability but can improve in many ways. Below are some suggestions for parents.


Meditation is not only for adults but is also beneficial for children. Teaching children to meditate from an early age is a way for them to form good habits early and maintain them long term. Meditation helps children calm down, concentrate, and improve memory. Children can do it for 5 minutes, then increase the time.

Help your child cope with stress and anxiety

Stress and anxiety can hinder a child’s ability to remember things. Teaching your child coping strategies like deep breathing or counting to 20 can help reduce stress. Getting enough rest and sleep can also improve both your mental health and your ability to process information.

Encourage your baby to read

Parents should encourage children to read, take notes, underline passages or share what they are reading. These active reading skills can help your baby absorb and remember short- and long-term details.

Do exercise

Exercise is another good habit that should be included in your child’s daily schedule. The sooner parents maintain this habit for their children, the better. Physical activity helps the brain stay sharp, enhances function, thereby improving memory.

Repeat information

Parents repeat instructions and important information several times a day. This helps children become familiar with information, absorb it and remember it. Repetition is necessary as your child matures and the brain builds long-term memory over time.

Give brief instructions

Instructions or information that includes multiple steps should be divided into smaller parts. Thanks to that, children do not overload their memory and can absorb a lot of information. For example, when writing an essay, ask children to divide the assignment into different steps such as brainstorming, writing an outline, completing the first draft…

Limit time spent using electronic devices

Excessive exposure to television, computers, cell phones… can have a negative effect on the brain. This habit can reduce a child’s concentration level and ability to retain information over a long period of time. Parents should limit children’s screen time and encourage reading or participating in other outdoor activities.

Proper nutrition

Proper nutrition not only maintains good health and fitness but also plays an important role in brain activity. Eating healthy contributes to improving brain function and preventing future memory loss.

Foods rich in omega-3, antioxidants and flavonoids such as fatty fish, walnuts, berries, eggs… support brain health. Parents should add more of them to their children’s diet.

By Editor

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