Longevity experts reveal 5 secrets to reversing aging

AmericaEating lots of fermented foods, maintaining quality sleep, controlling stress or cutting down on alcohol… can help increase longevity.

The world’s longest-living person just turned 117 years old. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the average life expectancy in this country is at 77.5 years, nearly 40 years away from the oldest living person.

How to get closer to the hundred years old ladder? In addition to factors that are difficult to control such as luck and genetics, changing some habits also contributes to living longer, according to experts.

Quality sleep

According to Diogo Barardo, longevity researcher and director of research and development for an anti-aging supplement brand, quality sleep helps the body regenerate, supports cognitive function and regulates the mind. status. Conversely, poor sleep habits are linked to an increased risk of obesity, heart disease and diabetes.

Barardo recommends that adults maintain 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep each night to support health and longevity. Establishing a regular sleep schedule and creating a quiet environment can improve sleep quality, contributing to a longer, healthier life.

Eat lots of fermented foods

Adding fermented foods such as kimchi, kombucha tea, yogurt, pickles… to the diet can help increase longevity. According to Maddy Dychtwald, co-author of the book Ageless Aging: A Woman’s Guide to Growing Healthspan, Brainspan and Lifespan, fermented foods are a great natural probiotic that is good for digestion and immunity. More and more researchers agree that gut health and brain health are closely linked. In addition, many cultures around the world consider fermented foods as a staple in their daily diet.

Avoid smoking and limit alcohol

Avoiding smoking and limiting or abstaining from alcohol can contribute to longevity. Barardo believes that avoiding both can reduce the risk of many different diseases, from cancer to liver disease, heart disease, etc.

Stress management

Prolonged stress contributes to serious health problems, including heart attack, stroke, diabetes, depression, immune disorders, migraines, heartburn, nausea… According to Nathan Price , chief scientific officer at a company and co-author of a book on wellness, while managing stress can be challenging, there are ways to do so, such as meditation and making exercise a priority.

Barardo advises people to practice mindfulness and spend time with loved ones as ways to reduce stress and boost mental health.

Try these workout strategies

“To make exercise a ‘silver bullet’ for longevity, consider exercising earlier in the day,” Dychtwald shares.

A 2022 study published on European Journal of Preventive Cardiology found that among 86,657 participants, those who exercised between 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. had the lowest risk of coronary heart disease and stroke, with women benefiting even more than men.

If you think doing short workouts doesn’t even count, think again. Even a short period of physical activity has incredible benefits. According to another study published in the journal Nature Medicine, just three minutes of vigorous intensity exercise a day in addition to regular activities can reduce the risk of premature death by 40%. This happened even when people didn’t exercise in any way other than those three minutes.

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