4 myths about female physiological health

IVF only has the ability to conceive twins, and infertility only occurs in women, which are myths about reproductive health.

Overweight or underweight women cannot get pregnant

People who are underweight or too thin have fewer fat cells. Their bodies make less of the hormone estrogen than others. Ovulation is hindered if there is too little estrogen. Usually, their cycles are irregular, making them less likely to conceive.

Obesity is a common cause of fertility problems in women. Obese people often have difficulty getting pregnant because they do not ovulate regularly. The ovaries naturally produce the hormone estrogen, and fat cells also produce estrogen. When there are too many fat cells, the body produces excess estrogen, increasing the risk of ovulation stopping. Maintaining a healthy weight helps you get pregnant easily.

To increase the chance of getting pregnant quickly naturally, women need to avoid habits that reduce fertility such as quitting smoking and limiting alcohol and caffeine intake. Women should increase supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, vitamins E, B6, and folic acid. Women should reduce stress because stress disrupts the menstrual cycle, affecting ovulation.

Only in vitro fertilization can produce twins

Many people think that twins can only happen with in vitro fertilization (IVF). However, this concept is not correct. Women can still get pregnant with twins naturally. This possibility is higher if the family has a history of twins.

Only infertile women

Female infertility is a condition in which it is difficult or impossible to become pregnant naturally within one year in a woman who has regular sexual intercourse and does not use contraception. This condition has many causes, possibly due to gynecological diseases such as uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, gynecological cancer…

Men are also susceptible to infertility. The cause is usually due to problems with sperm production or the ability to get sperm to reach the egg.

Douching is a way to clean the vagina

Douching too deeply can remove good bacteria and cause pH problems in the intimate area. Cleaning the private area many times, more than 4 times a day, can also affect the environment in the vulva and vagina and increase the risk of vaginal dysbiosis. This can also easily cause dampness and tightness in the private area, thereby creating conditions for bacteria to grow.

Women should clean their private areas with warm water and avoid using strong bleaching products because the skin becomes sensitive.

Women should maintain the habit of regular gynecological examinations to detect infections early and treat them promptly to avoid the risk of infertility.

By Editor

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