Does eating yogurt reduce armpit odor?

In the summer, my underarm odor is quite severe, so can I supplement yogurt to improve this condition? (Lan, 22 years old. Hanoi).

Everyone’s body sweats and sweat has an odor, just varying in severity. The nature of armpit sweat has more protein than sweat secreted in other locations, so it is easily decomposed by bacteria on the skin and creates an unpleasant odor. However, not everyone who sweats underarms has an odor. Depending on lifestyle, diet, body hygiene, age, illness… the secretions in sweat will be different.

Yogurt contains a lot of beneficial bacteria that are good for the digestive system and health. Lactic acid in yogurt can inhibit the growth of bacteria, reducing the amount of bacteria excreted through sweat glands. Every day, you should eat one to two boxes of yogurt to improve armpit odor. In case of obesity, you can eat unsweetened yogurt.

In addition, you should drink enough water and eat lots of fruits to eliminate toxins and reduce sweat and sebum secretion effectively. You should choose fruits and vegetables rich in fiber, vitamins A, B, C such as carrots, lemons, watermelon, spinach… In particular, watermelon effectively improves underarm odor because it contains a lot of water and minerals. essential nutrients than other fruits.

Foods with a characteristic odor such as durian, jackfruit, coffee, curry, chives, onions, garlic… will make armpit odor worse. If the digestive system is poor, these substances are also difficult to metabolize and are excreted through sweat glands, making the odor stronger.

When you have underarm odor, you should avoid foods that are spicy, spicy, or hot. Limit alcoholic beverages and stimulants. Keep your body clean and wear cool clothes. Avoid shaving and plucking armpit hair. Avoid staying up late and not getting enough sleep.

By Editor

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