Can you eat corn instead of rice to lose weight?

Corn is rich in vitamins B, C, minerals and fiber, providing a lot of nutrition for the body and is a safe weight loss food. Eating corn helps you feel full quickly, without cravings for snacks. The fiber content in corn is high, good for health, no need to worry about excess fat, reduces constipation, and is good for digestion. Eating corn also helps boost immunity, control blood sugar, and is good for people with diabetes.

However, eating too much corn is not good for your health. People with diabetes should limit their intake because consuming large amounts of carbohydrates (starch) in this food causes blood sugar to increase quickly.

People with stomach problems should not eat a lot because corn contains a lot of fiber, which can cause discomfort, bloating, and indigestion. You should only eat one corn a day.

Old people, young children, and people with poor digestive systems should not eat corn regularly because it can put pressure on the stomach.

You should not completely replace rice with corn but should eat a variety of foods. The principle of correct weight loss is to control food intake, balance three energy-generating substances including protein, fat, carbohydrates and maintain daily physical activity. Besides, everyone needs to drink enough water and only eat snacks when prescribed by a doctor.

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