How many eggs are you allowed to eat in a week? The answer will surprise you  Dr. Maya Roseman
How many eggs are you allowed to eat in a week? In the scientific journals that I subscribe to, many studies are published on the matter, and recently in all of them the trend stands out – there is not necessarily a connection between the amount of eggs consumed and heart diseases.The last study I read looked at the difference in blood tests over time, between people who eat less than one egg a week and those who eat more than 14 eggs a week. The results (I was not surprised) showed that there was no difference. So you have to remember: the egg has advantages that it’s a shame to miss them.

Eggs (Photo: EngImage)

The proteins in the egg are ranked first of all foods in terms of their quality and suitability for building our muscles, the immune system and even preventing hair loss. The composition of the proteins in an egg is also better than meat, fish or dairy products so in the end most people should eat an egg every day, when it comes to vegetarians 2-3 eggs is also perfectly fine (of course depending on our menu and according to counting calories and protein).

What about cholesterol? Today we already know that there is not always a connection between the cholesterol you eat and the level of cholesterol in your blood, and sometimes an increase in blood lipids is due to a genetic problem in the liver or being overweight. Even those who suffer from excess cholesterol should include an egg in the menu, even if to a limited extent.

Eggs (Photo: Olivia Pitosi)

It is important to emphasize that all the vitamins and minerals, as well as all the fat and cholesterol, are in the yolk of the egg. And not only that – the yolk, the yolk, has a larger amount of proteins than the white of the egg. The white part has mostly water and very little protein, also very few calories.

To expand on the topic of eggs, I would like to broadcast Elad Levy, Free Eggs from the Ishresh Farm – listen:

Is it true that if the yolk is more orange the egg is healthier?

In most cases the orange yolk is a food coloring, natural or unnatural, that was in the mixture that the chicken eats. In any case – the color of the yolk does not affect the quality of the egg.

Does it matter nutritionally if you eat a hard-boiled egg or an omelet or other foods made from eggs?

Not really. The body receives more or less the same amount of vitamins and minerals, but there is a significant difference in terms of calories. A hard-boiled egg only has 80 calories, in a fried omelette or homemade shakshuka already over 150 calories, in a two-egg omelette as served in cafes it reaches 400 calories not including toppings, and in a dish of shakshuka in cafes because of the oil, the paste and the vegetables – there are 700-800 calories ( Not including the other 200 calories of the bread on the side, such a dish reaches a thousand calories, much more than a portion of falafel).

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