Enhance male physiology thanks to 7 exercises

Cardio exercises, sit-ups, yoga, weights, kegels, aerobics and planks help men improve their overall health and ability to “love”.

According to Dr. Tra Anh Duy – Men’s Health Center for Men’s Health, regular physical activity is always the optimal solution to help improve health in general and men’s sexual ability in particular.

Exercises help the body produce testosterone (a typical hormone in men), increase metabolism, and improve overall health. From there, sexual activity also becomes stronger and increases desire.


Cardio exercises like jogging, cycling, swimming and jumping rope improve cardiovascular health and blood circulation, including blood to the genitals.

Good blood circulation is an important factor in maintaining sexual health and improving erectile ability. This exercise also stimulates the body to release endorphins, creating a feeling of relaxation for the body.

Belly sticks

Abdominal exercises strengthen abdominal muscles and reduce excess fat in the abdominal area, improving feelings of confidence and sexual performance.

Exercises like crunches, leg raises and bicycle crunches are all good options for working your abs.

Jogging improves cardiovascular health and blood circulation, including blood to the sexual organs. Image: Pexels


Yoga not only enhances flexibility and muscle strength but also reduces stress and improves mental health for men.

Some yoga exercises can help improve bedroom prowess such as bow pose, cobra pose, and grasshopper pose.

Carry weights

Squats, deadlifts, bench presses and pull-ups work to strengthen muscles and overall strength, promoting the body to produce testosterone – an important hormone for men’s sexual health.

Weight lifting helps increase testosterone production. Image: Pexels


Kegels strengthen the PC (PuboCoccygeus) muscle, also known as the pubococcygeus muscle. Thanks to that, men control ejaculation and increase the feeling of fullness during sex.


Aerobic exercises are considered effective exercises to treat erectile dysfunction for men. Aerobic exercise not only helps tone the entire body, eliminate excess fat, but also improves erectile ability. Thanks to that, the ability to make love is enhanced, strong and sublimated.


Plank is an exercise to strengthen and treat erectile dysfunction that men should not ignore. The plank movement mainly affects the abdominal muscles, exercises the lower abdominal muscles, and effectively controls ejaculation time.

Exercising regularly and moderately is something men should do to maintain general health. However, there are not many studies showing that these exercises help radically improve sexual problems, but are only considered a lifestyle change measure accompanied by intensive treatment.

Therefore, men with physiological problems need to go to a specialized medical facility for appropriate examination and treatment.

By Editor

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