7 tubers and fruits that people with sinusitis should eat regularly

Pineapple, grapefruit, onions, turmeric, garlic, and ginger are rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances, helping to clean the sinuses and reduce infections.

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses in the nose, which can be caused by allergies, nasal polyps, the common cold, immunodeficiency, dental infections or a deviated septum. Common symptoms include runny nose, stuffy nose, sinus headache (pain and pressure in the sinuses), loss of smell, sneezing, fever…

Drinking plenty of water, resting, and steaming contribute to reducing sinusitis symptoms. Some of the fruits and vegetables below also help clear the sinuses and prevent sinus infections from getting worse.

Pineapple Rich in antioxidants, it helps protect the delicate mucous membranes in the nose from damage. This sweet, aromatic tropical fruit is high in vitamin C and bromelain. Bromelain enzymes have the ability to break down accumulated waste in the sinuses, reduce mucus production due to allergies, and reduce inflammation. People with sinusitis can eat ripe pineapple, drink pineapple juice or mix it with salad to reduce nasal congestion due to allergies.

Grapefruit High salicylic acid content contributes to thinning mucus and reducing inflammation caused by allergies. Salicylic acid has anti-inflammatory properties similar to aspirin and has the ability to break down proteins in mucus.

Onion pungent taste, stimulates runny nose. High levels of quercetin (a type of flavonoid) help improve respiratory function by reducing inflammation and acting as a natural antihistamine, helping to fight allergic reactions. You can chop raw onions to add deliciousness to salads or serve with grilled dishes.

Kiwi contain Abundant antioxidants can protect mucous membranes from free radical damage. Because oxidative damage can easily lead to chronic sinusitis. Kivi also contains many useful vitamins, is good for overall health, and improves immune health.

Ginger has antioxidants, like natural antihistamines that contribute to speeding up healing, relieving pain, reducing swelling and congestion. It also aids in reducing allergies, sinus pain, nausea and irritability. Ways to enjoy ginger are using ginger tea, drinking warm ginger water or adding it to dishes.

Ginger contains antioxidants that contribute to reducing inflammation. Image: Mr. Chi

Turmeric is related to ginger and provides many of the same benefits. Turmeric contains a group of compounds that help reduce inflammation. Mix a little turmeric powder with hot water, then gargle with this mixture to clean and heal your sinuses.

Garlic Contains allicin (a sulfur compound) created when garlic is crushed or chopped, has antibacterial and antifungal properties, and helps kill some viruses. Garlic’s powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties help fight the common cold.

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