6 health problems expressed through hair

Changes in hair shape, texture or thickness can indicate health problems, genetics, stress or nutritional deficiencies.

Stress can cause premature gray hair

Gray hair is a natural part of the aging process. However, chronic stress also contributes to gray hair by causing DNA damage, reducing the supply of pigment-producing cells in hair follicles.

Another type of stress is oxidative stress which can cause hair to turn gray. This is a condition in which free radicals damage cells, inhibiting the body’s repair process, affecting pigment-producing cells. Stress is also a cause of hair loss, and premature gray hair is sometimes due to genetic factors.

Thyroid disease causes hair to thin

Thinning hair is largely due to genetics, but some thyroid diseases are also causes. Hypothyroidism (not producing enough thyroid hormone) can cause increased hair loss and changes in hair appearance. Other symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, cold intolerance, joint pain, muscle pain, facial swelling and weight gain. Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) test can help diagnose the disease and use appropriate treatment medication.

Some thyroid disorders not only cause hair to thin but also increase the risk of alopecia areata. Sudden hair loss occurs when the immune system attacks hair follicles.

Thyroid disease such as hypothyroidism can cause hair to thin and fall out due to lack of hormones. Image: Bao Bao

Cushing’s syndrome causes hair to become brittle and break easily

Brittle hair is a symptom of Cushing’s syndrome, a rare condition caused by the body producing too much cortisol – the stress hormone. Some other symptoms of Cushing syndrome include high blood pressure, fatigue, and back pain. Treatment includes medication and other methods to correct excessive cortisol production by the adrenal glands.

Hair loss can be due to lack of nutrients

Low iron stores or anemia also cause hair loss. Iron is important for many biological and chemical reactions, including hair growth. Vegetarians or women with heavy menstruation are at risk of hair loss due to iron deficiency anemia. Add foods such as seafood, spinach, red meat, and nuts to overcome this situation.

Protein is essential for hair health and growth, so a lack of this nutrient is also associated with thinning and hair loss. Healthy sources of protein include fat-free yogurt, beans, chicken breast, and nuts. Hair loss can also occur temporarily due to sudden changes in estrogen levels, often after pregnancy or stopping birth control pills.

Seborrheic dermatitis causes dandruff in hair

Yellow or white flakes in the hair are a sign of dandruff. According to Mayo Clinic, one of the common causes of dandruff is seborrheic dermatitis. The patient’s scalp is often oily and has white or yellow scales.

Hair damage due to other health problems

People with poor digestive systems or who have just had gastric bypass surgery may have problems digesting protein, which can also cause hair to become weak and fall out easily. When experiencing this condition, the patient should go to the doctor or have a follow-up examination to discuss with the treating doctor.

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