6 types of juice that are good for the heart

In addition to eating fruit, drinking pomegranate, apple, orange, and tomato juice also increases vitamins and antioxidants for the body, which is beneficial for the heart.

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the world. Add healthy drinks and dishes to your daily diet to support a healthy heart. Here are 6 good juices.

Beetroot juice

Beets are high in nitrates which help lower blood pressure and improve blood flow. The betalain pigment that gives beets their deep red color is a powerful antioxidant that may reduce the risk of heart disease, inflammation and some types of cancer. Beetroot juice is much lower in sugar than other types. However, people with oxalate kidney stones should drink beetroot juice in moderation.

Green vegetable juice

Spinach, kale and Swiss chard are packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They help reduce inflammation and improve blood circulation, thereby helping the heart get stronger every day. Green vegetable juices contain vitamin K which can interfere with the effects of blood thinners. People taking this medication should consult their doctor before taking it.

Citrus juice

Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C and flavonoids, which can reduce bad cholesterol (LDL), improving heart health. Orange juice also provides many phenolic compounds, such as cinnamic, ferulic and chlorogenic acids, which fight free radicals that damage cells, leading to disease.

Drinking orange juice after a high-fat, high-carb meal helps reduce inflammation. Citrus juices are generally safe, but people with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) should avoid them because they are acidic, potentially making symptoms worse.

Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranates are rich in polyphenols, antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the odds of developing heart disease. Polyphenols in pomegranates also contribute to reducing oxidative stress and lowering blood pressure, two risk factors for heart disease.

This juice also contains lots of vitamin K, which plays an important role in heart and bone health. Some medications such as statins or blood pressure medications can interact with pomegranate juice, patients should ask their doctor about these risks.

Tomato juice

Drinking tomato juice helps reduce bad cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Lycopene in tomatoes is a powerful antioxidant that is good for the heart by reducing inflammation. Vitamin C also helps increase iron absorption, skin health, and the immune system. People with acid reflux or stomach problems should be cautious when using tomato juice.

Apple juice

Apple juice provides moderate potassium. This mineral acts as an electrolyte, important for nerve transmission and cardiovascular health. It also has many antioxidant compounds such as flavonoids and chlorogenic acid that help neutralize free radicals that damage cells.

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