Recently report A 5-year-old girl from Brazil died after being bitten by a Brazilian yellow scorpion. This is a scorpion that is considered the most poisonous scorpion in South America and one of the most dangerous in the entire world. The girl was bitten in the early morning hours and her parents rushed to take her to a clinic in the area, according to reports in the local media. However, the appropriate serum was not available to treat her and they had to evacuate her to another medical center. Unfortunately, it was already too late – and she passed away.Although it is not a species of scorpion that exists in Israel, dangers lurk in our region in the form of scorpions and snakes, which are known for their venomous activity, especially in the hot summer days. During this period, it is important to be aware of their presence, and to know how to act when there are problems with them. To this end, we spoke with Doral Arzuan, a paramedic at the MDA and an expert in snake trapping, who explained what should be done, and just as importantly – what not, in the event of a bite or bite.

What to do?: Erzuan clarifies that unlike a bee that stings only once, a scorpion may sting repeatedly. Therefore, the most important thing is to stay away from it after the bite. “The next thing is to call the MDA 101 hotline, where the operators will be able to guide and explain about the correct treatment to be performed until the mobile arrives,” he notes. This recommendation is also valid for snake bites.


What not to do?:

First, the movement of the victim must be prevented: “Studies of the last 5 years show that as little movement as possible so as not to stimulate the heart and blood circulation so as not to spread the venom,” explains Erzuan. “Furthermore, you must avoid sucking the venom, you must not cut the area, you must not place a tourniquet, there is no need to cool the area and you must not offer the victim anything to drink, for fear that the liquid will cause the venom to spread and reach the esophagus. Studies from recent years have proven that cooling the area in the case of a snake bite, may prevent the dispersion of the venom, but it causes it to be concentrated in the affected area, which may lead to the amputation of the organ. In the case of a scorpion, this is an action that simply wastes time and does not contribute at all. Also, you should avoid trying to capture the offending pest, because this may cause additional bites. .

Is it necessary to photograph the offending pest?

Arzoan explains that in the case of a scorpion sting – it is less critical to take a picture, but if you have the option – it can prevent you from receiving unnecessary treatment. “Usually it is acceptable to treat with a serum (anti-venom) that is suitable for several varieties of scorpions, the thing is that sometimes people are stressed by a scorpion sting but in practice they are stung by a species that is not dangerous or requires treatment. Therefore, photographing the scorpion can certainly help the treatment team to understand if a serum is needed at all.” On the other hand, he points out that photographing the attacking snake is very important in order to match the right type of serum, because there are several of these. Therefore, if possible, it is important to photograph it “.


Do not use a sterilizer blocker or cool the place | Photo: shutterstock_Microgen


Equally important, the veteran paramedic points out a number of rules of caution and prevention, which it is important to observe when going out into the field: “When hiking or sleeping in natural areas, it is important to wear high and closed shoes, avoid lifting rocks, and also shake shoes or sleeping bags before using them, for fear that pests may to hide in them. About 80 of the attacks occur in the Negev region, but they may occur in different and varied places in Israel.”

How deadly is it?

Dr. Shapir Butner, director of the MDA Paramedic School, clarifies that even the bite of a yellow scorpion, which is common in Israel, and especially – the bite of a poisonous snake such as a viper, which is also common in our region, can lead to death, in the event that the victim does not receive prompt treatment. It is mandatory to go to a medical examination and supervision in the event of a bite or bite. Babies and young children are at higher risk. The faster the patient receives treatment, the higher the chance of survival.

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