Is it possible that they hid from us the fact that ice cream is healthy? Already about 36 years ago, when I was in my first degree in nutrition at the Hebrew University, I learned that the combination of fat, protein, and sugar in ice cream inhibits the absorption of sugar, and therefore ice cream is also suitable in cases of diabetes.Ice cream also contains a relatively large amount of high-quality protein, calcium, and today we already know that energy from fat is better than carbohydrates. So what about the high percentage of sugar? Here it is already a question of quantity. One scoop of ice cream (about half a cup) is allowed even three times a day even in weight loss diets.

Ice cream (Photo: Inimage)

And if you choose low-fat and sugar-free ice creams, you can increase the amount and eat about four times that amount. So here are some things you should know about ice cream:

1. The ice cream is satisfying for a long time: The combination of the proteins with the fat and sugars in the ice cream means that the sugar is absorbed slowly into the body. What it means? Also that ice cream satisfies for a longer time compared to chocolate or cookies for example, and also that it is better than other sweets if there is a tendency to diabetes.

2. Dairy ice cream has protein like dairy products. A serving of ice cream sometimes contains more protein than the average dairy delicacy.

3. Dairy ice cream usually contains a higher amount of calcium Than milk! Anyone looking for sources of calcium in the menu can definitely count the ice cream as well.

4. Sorbet ice creams are not very healthy – Although they contain 0% fat, they have a lot of sugar, so they are not dietetic. On the other hand, they have a high percentage of fruit, dietary fiber, and only natural food colors, if any.

5. There are diet ice creams that contain only sucralose as a sweetener, and therefore they are superior from a health point of view. Other diet ice creams contain sweeteners that are considered harmful to health and in my opinion, 2% ice cream with a smaller amount of sugar is better than ice cream with harmful sweeteners.

By Editor

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